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  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Dim Jan 16, 2011 11:16 am 
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Inscrit le: 27 Décembre 2010
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Localisation: فصط حلب
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Année: الثالثة
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Us crack down on cyber- terrorism
Word  , Synonym ,  Type
Plan=Pledge – suggest -V
Spend =pay out (money) in buying or hiring goods or services. -V
Hack =use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data. -V
Cyberspace = the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs. -N
Scholarship =learning of a high level -N
Training =Exercise - working out -N
Establishment =Founding – Creation -N
To look = To see – too find -V
Ways =a method, style, or manner of doing something. -N
Tightening = (of a form of control) strictly imposed -N
Funding =financial resources. -N
Budget = the amount of money needed or available for a purpose. -N
Scheduled = a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.- listed – Programmed -V
Submit =Agree to – Accept - Resign yourself to -V
Congress =a national legislative body, especially that of the US.-N
Thwart = prevent from succeeding in or accomplishing something. – Stop – to fight =v
Cyber terrorists = Hackers of computer -N
Terrorism =A kind of aggression -N
Heights =Top – summit - the highest attainable level of knowledge -N
Havoc =great confusion or disorder. -N
Paralyzing =cause business to become incapable continued of work.- stop -N

Cyber warfare
Warfare =Fighting – Conflict – Combat -N
Cripple =Prevent – not allow -V
Sector =portion that is distinct from others. – parts – division -N
Head =The boss -N
Counter terrorism =Against aggression -N
Capabilities =power or ability to do something -N
Posed a threat =Cause a risk – create a trouble -V
Aware = having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. -V
Offensive = Attacking – Violent – Aggressive -Adj
Tactic = Strategy -N
Doctrine = Statement of government policy -N
Getting better = Progress – develop -V
Specify = identify clearly and definitely -v
Clinton's concern
Concern = a matter of interest or importance. -N
Emerging =become gradually visible or apparent. -N
Thieves =a person who steals another person’s property. -N
Heavily =Greatly -Adv
Rely =depend on with full trust. -V
Breaking =Entering -V
Raiding =Invasion -N
Extorting =obtain  the money by force -v
Unleash =Set free - allow to run riot -V
Viruses =a piece of code surreptitiously introduced into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data. –N

Police seek key to cyber-crime
Measures = to take measures or steps – carry out the actions -N
Amid =in the middle of. -Adv
Enforcement =cause to happen by necessity or force. -N
Law =Rule -N
SINISTER =suggestive of evil or harm. -Adj
Criminal =a person who has committed a crime. – Lawbreaker- Prisoner-N
Harder = requiring or demonstrating a great deal of endurance or effort; difficult -Adj
Critical =Significant – Important- Essential -Adj
Potentially =the possibility of something happening in the future -Adv
Plotting =a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful. -Adj
Encrypt =Encode - convert into code. -V
Evade = Escape from the intention of (a law or rule ) – Avoid -V
Detection = discover or investigate -n

Key to solving cyber-crime
Experts = a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area. -N
Possible =capable of existing, happening, or being achieved.- that may be so, but that is not certain or probable. -Adj
Combat = take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).- Prevent-V
Access = the right or opportunity to use something or see someone. -N
Encryption keys =Encoding keys -N
Power = Political control- capacity -N
Intercept =Catch- obstruct and prevent from continuing to a destination. -N
Confidential document =private information -N
Tap =connect a device to (a telephone) so that conversation can be listened to secretly. -V
Suspect =believe (someone) to be guilty of a crime or offence, without certain proof. -V
Debate =Discussion – Argument-N
Workable =able to be worked.-Adj
Infringe =Violate - break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).-V
Civil liberty=Freedom of citizens -Adj
Measures =Procedures - an established or official way of doing something.-N

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: unit7
Publié: Dim Jan 16, 2011 11:19 am 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
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Inscrit le: 27 Décembre 2010
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Localisation: فصط حلب
Section: ترجمة
Année: الثالثة
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Unit 7
Health care goes online
Word   Synonym      Type
Nhs =Net health service -N
Via =By – through -Adv
Launch =Introduce- Present- Start marketing-  -V
Version =Copy -N
Extended =Wide -Adj
Telephone advice line = A line that is specialized just for  patients to get a medical advice -N
Unveil =Show -V
Currently =Recently -  at present -Adv
Operating =Working  -V
Cover =Protect-V
Existing =Present – being -Adj
Ring up =Call up – make a phone call -V
Nationwide  =The whole country -N
Symptom =a feature which indicates a condition of disease, in particular one apparent to the patient - warning sign -N
Effective =Useful - producing a desired or intended result. -Adj
Interactive =A click able – reactive -Adj
Announcement =a formal public declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention. -N
Confirm =Strengthen - confirm or give support to plan  -V
By the then =At the time -Adv
Common =Familiar – general -Adj
Questionnaire =Document containing a list of questions to be answered -N
Determine =Control – Decide- cause to occur in a particular way V
Healthcare guide =A kind of guide -N
Conditions =an illness or medical problem -N
A-Z guide =An extensive guide -N
Feature =Take an important role in ….. -V
Timely issues =Present problems -N
Eventually =Finally -Adv
Online =Direct -Adv
Medic =Doctor -N
Rudimentary =Primary - limited to basic principles- basic form-Adj
Access=the right or opportunity to use something or see someone.N
Surgery =Operation - the branch of medicine concerned with treatment of bodily injuries by instrument -N
Surgeries =Clinics -N
Available =able to be used or obtained. -Adj
Deny =Refuse -V
Replace =take the place of. - Use instead -V
Out of hours =Working after the specific work time -N
Gp =General practioner -N
Spot =Find out -V
Accredited =give credit to (someone) for something – recognize-Adj
Update =Bring up to date – make it new -V
Merseyside =Area in northwestern England -N
Symbol =a mark or character used as a conventional representation of something- Sign- mark -N
Fair =treating people equally - honestly and straightforwardly-Adj
Confidence =a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities. -N
Manage =Administer-V
Scheme =a systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object -n
Relieves pressure on GPS
Hard pressed =Pressured – stressed -Adj
Relief=rest -N
Relieve =remove (pain, distress, or difficulty)- cause (someone) to stop feeling distressed or anxious. -V
Casualty department =the casualty department  is an accidental room of a hospital.  -n
Monitoring =Supervision -N
One – third =each of three equal parts into which something is or may be divided. -N
Anticipated =Expected -Adj
Urgent form =An (immediate or important ) printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted. -N
Easing =Make the pleasure less -Adj
Evaluate =Estimate-V
Appropriately =Suitably - Adv
Outcome =Result-N
PR =Proportional represent = political system-N
Stunt =daring-Adj
Divert =cause to change -V
Tackling =treatment – to cure -V

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: unit8
Publié: Dim Jan 16, 2011 11:21 am 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
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Inscrit le: 27 Décembre 2010
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Localisation: فصط حلب
Section: ترجمة
Année: الثالثة
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Gender: Female ::

Unit 8
Final push to wipe out polio
Word     Synonym      Type
Urged = Encourage to do something - strongly recommend.-N
Push = urge (someone) to greater effort. – we can translate it as campaign-N
Wipe out = Eradication - remove or eliminate completely-V
Crippling = cause severe and disabling damage to. -N
Afflict= cause pain or suffering to.-V
Young = Youth - the period between childhood and adult age-N
Along with  = in company with or at the same time as – together with-Adv
UNCF = Unicef-N
Fund = a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose.-N
Hinge= Depend on-V
Executor = a person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of their will.- The person responsible for- doer-N
Appeal= make a serious or heartfelt request – Ask -V
In particular= Especially-Adv
Truce= an agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a certain time.-N
Vaccinate= treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.-V
Launching =Beginning -N
Campaign =Efforts to do s.th-N
On the verge of =On the edge of -Adv
Breakthrough = a sudden important development-N
Appeal for truces
Goal =Aim – purpose – target -N
Elusive =difficult to achieve.-Adj
Pacific region= Pacific ocean-N
Remain =Still -V
Active =Effective-Adj
Sub-sahran =Desert areas -N
Substantially = to a great or significant extent.-Adv
Stepped-up =increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something-V
Even through =In spite of-Adv
Immunisation =make immune to infection- Vaccination-N
Temporarily =For  short time-Adv
Infectious= liable to spread infection.-Adj
Paralysis =the loss of the ability to move part or most of the body.-N
Cure =treatment-N
For life =Through the life -Adv

Wiped out
Wiped out = Removed completely-V
Annually = Every  year – yearly-Adv
Mass = A large number of people-N
drop  = Become Lower – decrease-V
Concentrate = focus all one’s attention or mental effort on -V
Specific population = Population in certain country -N
Separate =not joined or united with others – different - distinct.-Adj
Apart = Separately - Away from each other -Adv
Correspondent =Journalist-N
Eradicated = Wipe out – to end-V
Confident=Trustful – sure` -Adj
Totally =Completely -Adv
Joining =link or become linked or connected to.-N
Smallpox = an acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars. -N

Polio on the retreat across the global
Dramatically = Greatly -Adv
Assembly =a group having legislative or decision-making powers.-N
Pass a resolution =Approve a resolution-V
Promising =showing great potential.- Hopeful-Adj
Claim =Say – Assert-V
Prevalent= Widespread-Adj
Intestine =the lower part of the alimentary canal from the end of the stomach to the anus -N
Wastage = Wear and tear – damage -N
Infantile =Childish -N
Infection = Infectivity- contagious -N
Nationwide =throughout the whole nation. -N
Bid =Try – attempt-V
Conquer =successfully overcome – defeat-V
Account =supply or make up (a specified amount). Explanation- Description-V
Hemisphere = a half of the earth -N
Considered = taking everything into account. -Adj
Free of =Without – devoid of-Adj
Priority = the fact or condition of being regarded as more important.- Main concern-N
Obstacle = a thing that blocks one’s way or hinders progress. -N
Point =Indicate-V
Powerless =Useless – Ineffective -Adj
Endemic =regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.- Widespread -N
Instability =Unsteadiness - lack of stability.-N
Civil war = relating to ordinary citizens -Adj
Unrest = state of uneasiness or disturbance.-N
Infrastructure = the basic physical and organizational structures -N
Consequent = As a result of -N
Coverage = Reporting - the extent to which something is covered.-N
Fertile= capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.-Adj
Epidemic = a sudden, widespread occurrence of an undesirable phenomenon.-Adj
Ironically =happening in the opposite way to what is expected.-Adj
Spurred =Help – encourage -V
Declare =Proclaim- Say publicly – Announce-V
Arguable = open to disagreement.-Adj
Equivalent= having the same or a similar effect as.-Adj
Paralysed = cause (a person or part of the body) to become incapable of movement.-Adj
Room = opportunity or scope-N
Complacency =Satisfaction -N
Prone to = liable to suffer from,- (something unfortunate).-V

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Dim Jan 16, 2011 11:25 am 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
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السلام عليكم...

زملائي هيك بكون خلصت من مرادفات الوحدات المطلوبة بالقسم الاول من الكتاب .. :roll:
اما الوحدات 9-10-11-12- محذوفات والقسم الثاني مطلوب كاملاً ماعدا الدرس اللي بالصفحة 154

وماحدد الدكتور اي قسم للترجمة وقال انه القسمين من والى العربية والانكليزية..

وقريبا رح نزل ترجمة القسم الثاني كاملاً ..

بالتوفيق يارب.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

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  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Ven Fév 18, 2011 4:31 pm 
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برفعلك أسمى كلمات الشكر والامتنان على تعاونك ومشاركتك المفيدة
بتمنالك التوفيق

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  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Sam Fév 19, 2011 6:59 pm 
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يا جماعة الفحص بعد كم يوم حدا يتكرم ويعطينا
ترجمة النصوص بالقسم التاني احلى ما نحمل المادة
       *خوف  *خوف  *خوف  *خوف  *خوف  *خوف  *خوف

Signature Image

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  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Lun Juin 20, 2011 7:48 pm 
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night-whisper a écrit:
برفعلك أسمى كلمات الشكر والامتنان على تعاونك ومشاركتك المفيدة
بتمنالك التوفيق

كتير بعتذر عالتأخير ..بس صدقا ضغط شغل مو طبيعي ....
الك شكر من القلب وبتمنالك التوفيق انت كمان.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Mar Juin 21, 2011 1:51 am 
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بالرابط نموذج عن اسئلة الامتحان

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You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: كل ما يتعلق بمقرر نصوص ومصطلحات علمية كود (315) للفصل الدراسي الأول 2010-2011
Publié: Mer Juin 22, 2011 11:15 pm 
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باللرابط ملف pdf فيه الترجمة تبع القسم ال2 من النوتة ربي تستفيدو منه ...

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be

Haut .:. Bottom
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