أهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في منتديات آرتين لتعليم اللغات (^_^)
اليوم هو الخميس حزيران 06, 2024 1:00 ص
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لوحة الإعلانات الإدارية

عذراً أخوتي .. تم إيقاف تسجيل الأعضاء الجدد في آرتين حتى إشعار آخر

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  ... آرتين ...   » لابدّ أن أستأذن الوطن .... نزار قباني *  .:. آخر رد: محمدابو حمود  .:.  الردود: 4   ... آرتين ...   » لا يصلح العطار ما افسدة الدهر  .:. آخر رد: محمد الربيعي  .:.  الردود: 2   ... آرتين ...   » مناقشة كتاب"Translation with Reference to English & Arabic"  .:. آخر رد: Jordan  .:.  الردود: 124   ... آرتين ...   » المعرب و الدخيل و المولد ... تتمة  .:. آخر رد: aaahhhmad  .:.  الردود: 6   ... آرتين ...   » تحميل ملف  .:. آخر رد: مصطفى العلي  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » The Best Short Stories of J.G. bialard The Terminal Beach  .:. آخر رد: المرعاش  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » هام للطلاب الي بيواجهوا صعوبه بمادة الصوتيا  .:. آخر رد: bassam93  .:.  الردود: 16   ... آرتين ...   » مساعدة مشروع تخرج عن تراجيديات شكسبير  .:. آخر رد: ahmadaway  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0

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قوانين المنتدى

ننبه أخوتنا الأعضاء أن هذا القسم لأرشفة أسئلة الدورات ولا يمكن للأعضاء ارسال المشاركات فيه . إذا كانت لديكم أسئلة دورات و تريدون المشاركة في بناء هذا الأرشيف , فنرجو إرسال الأسئلة إلى مشرفي الأقسام التعليمية أو عن طريق مراسلتنا على
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يرجى مراجعة قوانين المنتدى الرئيسية . لنحقق الفائدة للجميع .. شاكرين تعاونكم و آملين لكم الفائدة .

إرسال موضوع جديد الرد على الموضوع  [ 4 مشاركة ] 
الكاتب رسالة
  • عنوان المشاركة: مقدمة في تحليل النصوص /423/
مرسل: الخميس كانون الأول 31, 2009 9:21 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 03 حزيران 2007
المواضيع: 117
المشاركات: 2750
المكان: حمص العديّة
القسم: ELT MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: أنثى ::

غير متصل
جامعة البعث- كلية الآداب- التعليم المفتوح/ برنامج الترجمة
امتحانات الفصل الأول للعام الدراسي 2008-2009
المدة: ساعتان

1.        Ross, Chandler and Monica are having dinner at a restaurant. Write down the turn-taking rule that applies in Ross's second utterance in the following dialogue.         [5 Points]

Ross: This tastes a lot better than what you cooked for us yesterday did. Don't you agree with me, Monica? (2.8 )  
Ross: I think I shouldn't have said what I said.

2.         What are the conditions of adjacency pairs?     [10 Points]

3.        Add an insertion sequence to the following dialogue.     [10 Points]        

Student: I need a dictionary for my homework. Have you got one that I can borrow, please?
Librarian: Yes. I'll get one for you.

4.        Say if the implicature in the underlined utterance is conversational or conventional.   [10 Points]

A)        Pam: How was your weekend?
Tracy: My father took me to see his sister. She has three cats.

B)        Ben: I hear that you drove up north yesterday. Did you have a comfortable journey?
Dan: I had no petrol in my car: so. we went in Adam's car.

5.         What is the function of "well" and that of "you know" in the following dialogue? .   [10 Points]
Jane: I'm going to be late for work again. Finish eating quickly, please!
Rita: Well, I don't see why I should. I am not coming with you anyway.
Jane: Oh, I'm sorry. I am under a lot of pressure these days, you know.
Rita: Take it easy and relax. I've been through the same thing myself.

6.        After having had an accident and caused some damage to his car, a driver took his car to a mechanic's. The damage has now been repaired. Pretend you are the mechanic and respond. Your answer should show that you observe the maxim of modesty.   [10 Points]

Driver: You have done a marvelous job. The car looks like a new one now.
Mechanic:         ........................................................................... .

7.         What is the function of each of the underlined parts in the following dialogue?         [15 Points]

Kim: We are having a party on Sunday, and as you are my old school friend, it'd be very nice if you could , spend some time with us .
Pat: (1.1) Um. It's very thoughtful of you to remember me, but I'm afraid I won't be able to join you. I would" really love to, but my brother is supposed to come and fix my bedroom window for me on Sunday.

8.        Identify the' detailed' type of cohesive ties (- main category and subcategory) in each of the underlined words in the following .        [15 Points ]

Since his childhood, David has been very fond of rare plants. That, however, is now becoming an, expensive hobby for him. He keeps his plants in the back garden and waters them regularly.

9.              Define THREE of the following.     [15 Points ]

A. The maxim of generosity         B. Morphology         C. Situationality  D. The coherence relation of reason  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -End of Questions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Best of Luck

Examiner: DR. T. Alkhalil

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: مقدمة في تحليل النصوص /423/
مرسل: الخميس كانون الأول 31, 2009 9:56 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 03 حزيران 2007
المواضيع: 117
المشاركات: 2750
المكان: حمص العديّة
القسم: ELT MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: أنثى ::

غير متصل
جامعة البعث- كلية الآداب- التعليم المفتوح/ برنامج الترجمة
امتحانات الفصل الثاني للعام الدراسي 2007-2008
المدة: ساعتان

يمنع استخدام القاموس

I.        Which of Leech's Politeness Maxims applies in the underlined utterance?   [6 Points]

Lisa: This is amazing. You have managed to lift the heavy box.
Jane: It wasn't that heavy actually.

II.         Write the turn-taking rule that applies in the underlined utterance.        [6 Points]

Brian: It is quite nice to change the colour of one's walls every now and then. (1.5)
James: We hired someone to paint our house last week.
Steve: That's nice.

III.         Indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.    [12 Points]  

1. 'Well' can precede requests when the relevance oft he request is very clear.
2. Discourse markers only signal a structural, topical or pragmatic relation between discourse units. They do not create the relationship.
3. Discourse markers can function as hedges that soften the discourse.

IV.         Say if the implicature in the underlined utterance is conversational or conventional.   [12 Points]

1.   Claudia: I met my cousin's fiancé  two days ago.
Sara: Did you like him?
Claudia: He has brown eyes.

2.    Sam: Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night?
Lisa: Helen was there.

3.    Gavin: Would you like to come and watch the football match with us tonight?
Peter: I have an exam tomorrow morning.

V.         Identify the type of cohesive ties in each of the underlined words in the following.   [15 Points]

Jane told me yesterday that she spent the whole day looking for the book. Yet, when she phoned her friend Peter, she realised that he had the book with him. That was what made her very angry.

VI.         Identify the adjacency pairs and their functions in the following.     [17 Points]
1.   Christina: Would you like a cup of coffee?
Amanda: Yes, that will be nice.

2.  Teacher: What is five plus five?
Pupil: Ten.
Teacher: That's right. Very good.

3.    Sandra: Is Cathy a good friend of yours?
Helen: Cathy Watts or Cathy Richardson?
Sandra: Cathy Richardson.
Helen: Yes, she is.

VII.        Match an item from Column B with the corresponding definition from Column A.  [32 Points]

1)The stud of word meaning and sentence meaning .

2) Maximize raise of other; minimise dispraise of other.

3) A method of studying sequential structures and organisation of spoken language.

4) The study that analyses word parts, how words inflect for tense, number, etc. and how words can be derived from others by adding certain prefixes and/or suffixes.

5) The study that is concerned with how one text is dependent upon the knowledge of one or more previous ones.

6) Maximise the benefit to other; minimise the cost to other.

7) The study of how words combine to form phrases and how phrases combine to form sentences.

8 ) Maximise cost to self; minimise benefit to self.





Conversation analysis




- - -- - - - - - -End of Questions - - - -- - - - -
Best of Luck

Examiner: DR. T. Alkhalil

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: مقدمة في تحليل النصوص /423/
مرسل: الخميس كانون الأول 31, 2009 11:23 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 03 حزيران 2007
المواضيع: 117
المشاركات: 2750
المكان: حمص العديّة
القسم: ELT MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: أنثى ::

غير متصل
ألفت عناية زملائي أنّ هذه الدورة مؤتمتة  :wink:

جامعة البعث- مركز التعليم المفتوح- برنامج الترجمة/ لغة انكليزية
عدد الأسئلة 50 (درجتان لكل سؤال)   مدة الامتحان: 60 دقيقة

I.        Identify the correct cohesive ties.

1.That is why I don't want to visit him.
a.demonstrative anaphoric    b. demonstrative cataphoric         c.spacial deictic

2. I'm going to visit that cemetery
a. demonstrative anaphoric    b. demonstrative cataphoric         c.spacial deictic

3.We are the best
a. ellipsis         b.comparative        c.deictic marker

4. Alice ordered him  to leave the room, but John refused.
a. pronoun cataphoric           b. pronoun anaphoric     c. none

5. She was not enjoying the party; therefore, she left.
a.causal                b. logical sequence           c. temporal

6. Mary looked everywhere for her keys. Yet, when she came home, she found them on the table.
a.expansion         b. temporal           c.adversative

7. "Was he drinking again?" No, he wasn't."
a. verbal ellipsis         b. verbal substitution                      c . clausal ellipsis

8. "Are they playing football tonight?" "No, they aren't. "
a. verbal ellipsis         b. verbal substitution             c.clausal ellipsis

9. I was ordered to quit smoking and so 1 did.
a.nominal ellipsis          b. clausal substitution               c. clausal ellipsis

10. "Do you need another coat?" "No thanks I have an extra one."
a.nominal substitution      b. nominal ellipsis           c. nominal substitution

11. They all enjoyed exercising outdoors. The training is keeping them in good shape.
a. synonym                     b. repetition

II.        Identify the coherence relations in the following sentences.

12.The child went to the fridge to get a bottle of milk.
a. time         b. purpose.         c. cause

13. Adel could read and write because he went to school.
a.cause         b.reason         c.enablement

14.Sami did not study for the exam and, as a result, he failed.
a.causality     b. purpose         c- enablement

15. Susan played the music and Mary danced.        
a.cause             b. reason             c. enablement

III.        Identify the maxim that has not been observed.

16.A: What do you think of Bill?
B: I think he's a snake.
a.quantity                 b.quality         c. manner

17. A: Do you want a sandwich?
B: No, I want to starve to death!
a.quantity         b. quality         c. manner

18. A: Did you like the film?
B: Don't ask.
a. quantity         b.quality            c. relevance

19.A: D. you want a cup of  tea?
B: I'm trying to lose weight.
a.inadvertent violation         b. quality       c. relevance

20.A: Did you apply for the job?
B: No, I told you I didn't. A: Oh, sorry, I forgot.
a.quality           b. quantity            c. inadvertent violation

21. A: How much does it weigh?
B: Two kilograms and a quarter of a gram
a. quantity         b.quality         c.manner

22. A: How old are you?
B: I'm not feeling well.
a. relevance         b.quality         c. manner

23. A: I'm taking her out.
B: Try the t-h-e-a-t-r-e.
a. quantity         b. relevance         c.manner

24. Can you fix my car?
He'll be back in an hour
a.quantity           b. relevance         c.manner

III.         Choose the suitable implicature in the following utterances.

25.Did you like the party?
They served ice cream!
a.conversational         b. conventional

26. Coffee?
It'd keep me awake all night.
a.conversational         b.conventional

27. Did you like the party?
Don't ask.
a. conversational         b. conventional

28. Do you want some more cheese?
I'm on a diet.
a. conversational         b. conventional

29. Do you like my hair colour?
It's black!
a. conversational         b.conventional

30. He is a lawyer, therefore he knows all the rules.
a. conversational         b.conventional

IV.        Choose the suitable politeness maxim.

31. Just pop upstairs and visit us.
a. generosity         b.tact         c.modesty

32. It was a wonderful trip, wasn't it Yes, sure.
a.agreement         b. tact         c. modesty

33. Do you want a lift?
Well, if you're going near the campus, yes please.
a. agreement         b. tact         c.modesty

34. We are sorry to hear about your father.
a.sympathy         b. tact         c. modesty

35. Would you mind helping me with the shopping?
a.sympathy         b. tact         c. modesty

36.Your speech was outstanding.
Yes, wasn't it?
a.self praise            b. approbation      c.modesty

37. You must come and have dinner with us.
a.generosity         b.tact         c.modesty

38. Do you like the cake?
It's delicious!
a.self praise        b.approbation         c.modesty

39. Please accept this small gift.
a. self praise       b.approbation         c. modesty

40. Could I possibly ask you to close the window?
a. tact                b.approbation           c. modesty

V.         Study the following conversations and identify the adjacency pairs.

41. A: What's wrong?
B: My legs are shaking
A: You should consult a doctor
a. Question/Answer (insertion)
b. Question/Answer (feedback)

42. A: What would you like?
B:One kg of sugar
A: Anything else?
B: No, thanks

b. Question/Answer (insertion)
c. offer/acceptance

43. A: Can 1 eat all of it?
B: Did you check with your doctor?
A: Yes
B: Ok then
a.Question/Answer (insertion)
b.Question/Answer (feedback)
c. Questioril Answer

44. A: Would you like another cup of tea?
B: Yes please. What about you?
A: Nothing thanks
a. offer/acceptance
b. offer/rejection
c. both of the above.

45. A: What plans do you have for the weekend?
B: Nothing. Why?
A: Would you like to go to Paris with us?
B: Oh! I'd love to.
a.pre- invitation( dispreferred)
b.pre- invitation (preferred)

46. A: Guess What?
B: What?
A: Sali is getting married next week.
B: Oh. That's wonderful.
a.pre-invitation          b. pre- announcement

47. A: Are you busy tonight?
B: No. Why
A: I'd like you to help me with my exam.
B: Sure
a. pre-invitation         b.pre- announcement        c. pre-request

48. A: What are you doing this afternoon
B: Well, I'm taking the kids out. Why?
A: I was going to ask you out for a drink.
a.pre- invitation (dispreferred)
b.pre- invitation (preferred)
c. pre-request

49. Can I speak to Mrs. Donald please?
a.opening         b. closing

50. Sorry, but I really have to go now.
a.opening         b. closing

Good Luck

Dr. Marwa Al.-Shalabi

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: مقدمة في تحليل النصوص /423/
مرسل: الخميس كانون الأول 31, 2009 11:53 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 03 حزيران 2007
المواضيع: 117
المشاركات: 2750
المكان: حمص العديّة
القسم: ELT MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: أنثى ::

غير متصل
جامعة البعث
مركز التعليم المفتوح       برنامج الترجمة/ لغة انكليزية
العام الدراسي 2006/2007

I.        Read the following sentences and identify all the cohesive ties.   (30 marks)

1- Fred applied for a new job in London; however, he wasn't accepted there.

2- This is why I don't like driving at night.

3- The manager instructed me to revise the translation of the manual but I did not.

4- A- Would you like another magazine?
B- Yes please. give me that one.

II.         According to Grice's theory which maxim has not been observed? (25 marks)

1- A- What time are you leaving?
B- at 7.30 and 20 seconds .

2- A- Would you like some more cheese?
B- I am on a diet.

3- A- Did you enjoy the meeting?
B- Don't ask.

4- A- Sir, I'm afraid you failed your driving test.
B- What good news.

5- A- Can I go with you to the interview?
B- No, I told you I need to go alone.
A- Oh,sorry, I forgot.

III.         Read the following examples and name the coherence relations in the following sentences. (15 marks)

1- The nurse went to the room to check on the patient.

2- Sami fixed the bike and Cathy took it for a ride.

3- Steve was driving exceeding the speed limit when he had that fatal accident.

IV.        Arrange the following utterances from most polite to least polite and indicates which of leech's politeness maxims applies here.           (15 marks)

1- Congratulations for getting married!

2- a- Would you like to borrow my car?
b- Borrow my car.
c- Could I possibly ask you to borrow my car?

3- a- Close the window.
B- Can you close the window.

V.        Study the following conversations and identify the adjacency pairs and their functions.        (15 marks)

1- A- I forgot to tell you the best thing that happened to me today!
B- Great! What is it?

A-I passed my Toefl test
B-Oh, that's great.

2- A- Do you have a strawberry cheesecake?
B. Yes
A- Can I have two cakes with whipped cream?
B- Sure.

3- A- Where do the children exercise?
B- In the Gym.
A- Yes, that's right in the Gym.

Good Luck

Dr. Marwa Al-Shalabi

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
إرسال موضوع جديد الرد على الموضوع  [ 4 مشاركة ] 

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