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Publié: Ven Jan 13, 2012 12:13 am 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
Inscrit le: 04 Septembre 2011
Sujets: 3
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Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: ماجستير أدبيات/البعث
Nom: أمين جمعة
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Gender: Male ::

Hello agian,
if it doesn't bother u, I want u to classify for me the material or books we r supposed to have for this year cuz I noticed that there is some difference with last year material. Please do this in detail and I would be thankful 4 this effort.

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: ONE ... LAST ... THING
Publié: Sam Jan 14, 2012 11:25 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 21 Septembre 2011
Sujets: 6
Messages: 81
Section: الانكليزية
Année: متخرجة
Nom: رهام القطمة
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sure dear its no trouble at all and im gonna send u my e-mail so we can keep in touch if u want
let me start with my faaaaaavorite doctor mouhamad al-ali with criticism,he is giving us mla handbook for writers of research papers and he has espcially handeled chapter3and chapter5 the second book is modern criticism and theory:a reader. a student called razan is supposed to make a presentation on ferdinaned de saussure on out nxt meeting.

dr.abd al salam hamad with american literature is giving us the scarlet letter and moby dick so far there might be more

dr.fuo'ad abd al-moutaleb with coparative literatue is giving us 1st coparative literature method and perspective, 2nd comparative literary studies, 3rd comparative literary studies:an introduction, 4th comparative literature:a critical introduction and there is a 5th book but its not available yet. it might be available this week.

now with dr. elias khalaf and world literatue, we r taking the merchant of venice, crime and punishment,and we may take king lear.

dr.ibrahim ismael with prose and poetry is giving us
prose: the rover,under western eyes and animal farmpoetry: the waste land(in a form of a full book),rupert brooke's "the solider", stephan spender's "the express",walter de la mare's "the listener", john masefield's "sea-fever",alfred housman's "to an athlete dying young",
auden's 1 "in memory of ">>>the word is not readable for me unfortunately
2"the shield of Achilles"
3 "the unknown citizen"
yeats's 1"the second coming"
2"sailing to Byzantium"
"3the lake of isle of innisfree"
hardy's 1"the going"
"2"beeny cliff
i hope i got it right cuz the titles r in the doctor's hand writing and some words r difficult to read

dr.samar zihrawy with drama has given us black-eyed suzan,the important of being ernest and ghosts and probably there would be moooore
so far thats it...there r some other papers by dr.ismael but he hasnt said anything about them yet so im not quite sure about them

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