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  • Post subject: Nastia and Art-En
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:14 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
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Good evening,,,

I have some questions which buzz in mind like a bee.
I'll be your pathfinder Art-Enians  8)

Nastia, here are some statements.  Could you comment on them?

Your name (Nastia) reflects your character in a way.

You registered in Art-En and still visit it because..............

Art-En three years ago is the same as now.

You will visit Art-En even if you begin your career.

Some members quit as soon as their posts reach 3000

To be continued...

non propter vitam faciunt patrimonia quidam, sed vitio cæci propter patrimonia vivunt


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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:30 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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Peace Be Upon You :

حسامي : you have preceded me in starting asking questions... ok man  :wink:


Nastia : *1

Though we ( I & you ) have the same suffix in our names ' tia'

but my one is of Italian or Latin orgin while yours is Russian

Portia \p(o)-rtia,por-tia\ is pronounced POR-shah. It is of Latin origin. Feminine form of a Roman clan name. Portia was used by Shakespeare as the name of a clever, determined young heroine in "The Merchant of Venice" who disguises herself as a lawyer to save her husband's life.


While :

The meaning of the name Nastia is Resurrection

The origin of the name Nastia is Russian

Notes: Diminutive form of Anastasiya or Anastasia


I  was really touched by Anastasia' story

The Russian Princess of Romanovs


the daughter of the last Czar of Russia :


Mystery of Anastasia Romanov born June 18,1901 to the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his wife Alexandra Fyodorvna was the youngest daughter of the four daughters the couple had. Anastasia was the younger sister of Grand Duchess Tatiana, Grand Duchess Maria, and Grand Duchess Olga her only brother was Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia. The claim is that on July 17, 1918 she was murdered with her entire family by the Bolshevik secret police.

Rumors continued to fly about the possibility of her survival due to nobody being able to clearly identify where her body had been located



The question is :

Do this story & this character influenced you to choose your nick name ?

Why did you choose the name you chose to be your nick name  here ?


To be continued ..... :wink:

وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ  إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

﴿٨١﴾ الإسراء

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:38 am 
آرتيني نشيط
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wow! here's Nastia then :)  

Actually, it's your posts Nastia that I like and the mind behind them I'm curious to discover. :wink:  *1  
I think a name weighs  nothing  that we ourselves chose to us whatever we try to create a halo of cleverness, beauty, and determination around it, don't you agree with me? Oh no...that's not a question for you honey  :wink: ; I'm just commenting on the stories spread above.  

Immmm… let's begin with the easy ones *sla

What is your aim in life?
What do you do to make your aim always in the sight?
Are you of that kind of people who  try to pursue a certain philosophy in life or you simply wing it? :P
What do you do when you feel yourself has diverted a bit from the way or the aim you put for yourself?

Do you  believe in the so-called friendship through the internet_ with friendship I mean here relations with women particularly as the case becomes a bit different with men and if you give us your opinion on it also that will be great. *sla

Why do you read?
What do you think about  people who do not like reading nor to get extra knowledge out of the school\university curriculum?

You've  gained admission to the master,  sincere congratulations *good , how is it going with you? What might you say about the new situation you've been in?  


وَمَا يُلَقَّـاهَـا إِلَّا الَّذِينَ صَـبَرُوا وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا ذُو حَـظٍّ عَظِيمٍ

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:27 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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Good evening..
Hmm, it seems like so much work is waiting for me ahead... :mrgreen:

Your name (Nastia) reflects your character in a way.

Well, so many people had asked me this question so far, the reason why I chose this name was my fondness of Russian literature..(The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky) was the first novel I read when I was 16; and since then I've been reading Russian novels and other things, but obviously the Russian characters had their strongest influence on me. I found this name in one of the novels but I forgot which once.. it just stuck to my head...

You registered in Art-En and still visit it because..............

I still visit Art-En simply because it's the most useful site for me as a student, though my participations are mostly questions  :lol:  but I like it.. it reminds me of college days even when I'm not studying  *1

Art-En three years ago is the same as now.

Definiteny not... I remember three years ago 95% of people were not the same we find here, I mean they disappeared and new people came... there are other changes like the increased number of sections; it's so much better of course.

You will visit Art-En even if you begin your career.

Ok, that depends on how much free time I'll have, but surely enough I will try to pay some visits; you know... for the sake of my memories :mrgreen:

Some members quit as soon as their posts reach 3000

Maybe they feel bored, or maybe they have their own reasons
, but it isn't nice to quit anyway...

To be continued...

Go on... but please stop asking questions about Art-En.. I had enough :mrgreen:  *1

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:29 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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Portia \p(o)-rtia,por-tia\ is pronounced POR-shah

Is it really pronounce (Porsha)?? I always heard it like (porshia)   :?:

The meaning of the name Nastia is Resurrection

I  was really touched by Anastasia' story

The Russian Princess of Romanovs

You have provided us with such rich information. To be honest I didn't know that Nastia means "resurrection"  .. but it really has a nice meaning  8)
The story of the Russian Czar is familiar .. I saw it once on TV but I don't remember it very clearly.
Thanks a lot for the info Portia...I enjoyed reading them, and  this shows your interest in collecting info about anything.. that's really nice of you.. *1

Do this story & this character influenced you to choose your nick name ?

Why did you choose the name you chose to be your nick name  here ?

Well, I said why I chose this name when I replied to Husami's question, and the story has nothing to do with that...  *1  

Thanks again Portia  *1   *1

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:32 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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Actually, it's your posts Nastia that I like and the mind behind them I'm carious to discover

Thanks .. I'm here to confess, and if you discover anything let me know about it :mrgreen:

I think a name weighs  nothing  that we ourselves chose to us whatever we try to create a halo of cleverness, beauty, and determination around it, don't you agree with me? Oh yea that's not a question for you honey   ; I'm just commenting on the stories spread above.  

So I understand that names don't express people's characters? that's mostly true, coz someone can choose a fabulous and bright name while they are not really like that.. in general I like simple names.. you know what's my bluetooth name? it's (Rosemary).. just the name of a herb.. but I like it  :mrgreen:

Immmm… let's begin with the easy ones

What is your aim in life?

That's one of the hardest questions one may answer :!:  (talking about that will take ages!!!)
In short,  I always try to make my life useful, I want to complete my studies and have a good job; but that's not everything.. I will have other plans like learning foreign languages (it's one of my hobbies)

What do you do to make your aim always in the sight?

If you believe in your aim, you will never forget it :wink:

Are you of that kind of people who  try to pursue a certain philosophy in life or you simply wing it?

I have my own philosophy sometimes though I don't like to complicate things; for example, I believe that we should never give up .. life always brings new things; things you might never expect, and I think this is the most beautiful thing in life: the ignorance of what might happen in the future, coz even when you feel like all doors are closed in your face, new gates will open and let the light in (does it look like philosophy? :mrgreen: )

What do you do when you feel yourself has diverted a bit from the way or the aim you put for yourself?

I do waste a lot of time; it's bad I know, so the only way to be serious is to lock myself in my room and start fixing things :mrgreen:

Do you  believe in the so-called friendship through the internet_ with friendship I mean here relations with women particularly as the case becomes a bit different with men and if you give us your opinion on it also that will be great.

I didn't use to believe in this kind of relationship until I met my friend; she is from Singapore, we speak English of course.. she is very nice, we've known each other since two years and till now our frienship is as strong; she keeps posting greetings everyday in my page even when I'm away...
But this is an exception, I believe that we have to be very careful when we use the internet !!

Why do you read?

It's just as if you're asking "why do you eat?"

What do you think about  people who do not like reading nor to get extra knowledge out of the school\university curriculum?

I think they have a serious problem, of course they don't see the danger because there are no physical symptoms for ignorance!

You've  gained admission to the master,  sincere congratulations  , how is it going with you? What might you say about the new situation you've been in?  

The situation is completely different now, coz before I didn't attend all of the lectures, I studied almost just before the exam.. I depended on the curriculum books alone.. but now... I must attend all of the lectures; I have to study more; and I have to look for other resources, the curriculum is
not enough !!! it's a bit strange ... and I'm trying to get used to that.

Thanks a lot for your questions, they are difficult but nice :mrgreen: *1

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  • Post subject: Nastia and Literature
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:26 am 
آرتيني مشارك
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Nastia, this is the admitting SEAT so calm your nerves and sit down.  I'm agent 007  8) ; I'm here to save your skin.

The second shower of questions is about literature.

What's your comment on/or completion for these statements

Alyosha's most shocking revelation for you in Brothers Karamazov is....

Your heart is with literature but your mind is with linguistics.

You wish you didn't open a book in your life.

A language you like to learn in the future is...

A book you like to read more than one time is...

A writer you never get bored with is...

A literary character which you sympathize with is...

non propter vitam faciunt patrimonia quidam, sed vitio cæci propter patrimonia vivunt


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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:16 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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Peace Be Upon You :

Is it really pronounce (Porsha)?? I always heard it like (porshia)

Yes , it is . Actually i didn't know this piece of information till أندلسية told me about it and then i read such prononce in Ala Al-Ibrahim's post ( بورشا ) i could later make sure of that by Google Search , but in reality i like (بورشيا) pronounce rather than ( بورشا )  :)

The story of the Russian Czar is familiar .. I saw it once on TV but I don't remember it very clearly

You may saw it in a documentary film cuz it is known very well for those who like to see such kinds of films

Also there is a carton film which talks about Anastasia , but ofcourse in their imaginary way




  My next questions are:

Who are the Art-enian members you feel that you like them ?  :wink:  *sla

As one of two girls who were accepted in Linguistics, Do you feel lonely ? Don't you think that only two girls accepted for studying this MA is unfair ?


حسامي : Thank Allah i am not your victim , your questions remembered me in the Acadamic course we were studying *خوف

Thanx Nastia 4 replying our Questions  *ورود

 *1 Good Luck *1  

وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ  إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

﴿٨١﴾ الإسراء

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:43 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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The second shower of questions is about literature.

What's your comment on/or completion for these statements

Mercy on me !! I feel like I'm having an exam !

Alyosha's most shocking revelation for you in Brothers Karamazov is....

I read that novel so many years ago and you want me to remember Alyosha's revelations? Sorry!!
But I'm really curious to know the answer, will you make an effort and tell us?

Your heart is with literature but your mind is with linguistics.

Very true! I wanted to go to the literatrue MA but suddenly changed my mind, I thought Linguistics would be

more useful ! I don't regret my choice though.

You wish you didn't open a book in your life.

No comment.

A language you like to learn in the future is...

French and Spanish

A book you like to read more than one time is...

All of Dan Brown's novels.

A writer you never get bored with is...

W.S.Maugham, Dan Brown, George Orwell, Paulo Coelho.

A literary character which you sympathize with is...

Jude the Obscure, Heathcliff, and the main character in Emil Zola's novel (L'assommoir)

End of answers!! :mrgreen:

Prepare yourself for my questions when your turn comes :P *1


Peace Be Upon You :

And Upon You.

You may saw it in a documentary film cuz it is known very well for those who like to see such kinds of films

Also there is a carton film which talks about Anastasia , but ofcourse in their imaginary way

I didn't see the cartoon movie, but I saw a movie where the character is called Nastia but when they wanted

to use her full name they said something like (Nastjinca) ..

Who are the Art-enian members you feel that you like them ?

I don't know.. I respect everyone equally well... and I don't know anyone personally. I had some friends here

but they left Art-en !!

As one of two girls who were accepted in Linguistics, Do you feel lonely ? Don't you think that only two girls

accepted for studying this MA is unfair ?

there's another girl isn't that enough? :mrgreen: No there isn't any problem; actually when I saw the names of

the accepted students I thought why the guys are more than the girls that much? is it because literary studies

is more girlish and the linguistics is more boyish? :mrgreen: it may not be like that.. just kidding :P
and do you say it's "unfair".. ?? It's fair because nobody decides on that; it's the students' choice *1

You're welcome.. and thanks for your questions :) *1 *1

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  • Post subject: * The admitting seat *  Nastia
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:18 pm 
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
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Welcome welcome  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Is the seat comfortable for you? :mrgreen:

As for now, I wish to know the following from you:

1- Your favourite writer!
2- Your favourite Poem!
3- Your favourite Song!
4- Your favourite Movie!
6- Your favourite novel!
7- Your favourite play!
8- Your favourite short story!
9- Your favourite country!
10- Your favourite QUOTATION !
11- Your favourite Proverb!
12- Your favourite TV programme!
13- Your favourite Season! and WHY?
14- Your favourite day!
15- Your favourite Doctor!
16- Your favourite subject! in the university of course !!
17- Your favourite English word! :P  :P

and the last one, Your favourite question of these  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

*1  *1  *1

I might ask you other questions later. GOD BLESS YOU !

"We are the choices we have made."

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