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  • Post subject: Don't Make a Spectacle of Yourself!
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:31 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
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In The Name Of Allah

Peace Be Upon You :

If you think that your specs make you look as desirable as "Ugly Betty" then you need to get rid of them, pronto. Because boys still don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. Some people feel that spectacles make them look studious and sincere; others feel they add an air of sexiness to their persona. However, you must be aware that new studies have shown that the longer you wear spectacles, the weaker your eyes become. As you age, so do your eye muscles which weaken over the years. So, either for cosmetic or for health reasons, you need to ditch those specs .

Strengthen your Eyes

Yes, there are excellent exercises to strengthen your eyes. For example, you can try some types of yoga asana which will prove very effective over a period of time. One of these asana techniques involve looking at a fixed point on the far horizon for a few seconds, without blinking and then immediately looking at a point close by. This is useful for strengthening the optic nerve.

You can also relax your eyes by cupping your fingers over them so that you are looking into pitch darkness. Try to see "velvet" for as long as you can. This relaxes the eye muscles and helps improve vision.

Also, you can try another asana in which you roll your eyes in a circular manner, clockwise, anti-clockwise, left and right, all without blinking. Make sure that you are not facing a strong source of light, such as a window or a lamp while you do this exercise or it might lead to partial blindness. To get the best results, ask a qualified yoga trainer to teach you these types of asana techniques so that you know that you are doing them correctly.

Laser Surgery to Improve Vision

It will be weeks before the efficacy of such exercises begins to show results. If you don't have the patience for strengthening your eyes in this manner, then you can also take shortcuts. Laser surgery is a quick, painless procedure for improving your vision. Since it is very costly in Western countries, people fly to countries like India where the procedure is known as Lasik and is considered to be low-cost and effective

Contact Lenses

You can, of course, always opt for contact lenses. Not only will your vision improve dramatically, your hotness quotient will also get a boost. You can choose between coloured lenses, use-and-throw disposable lenses or soft lenses.


وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ  إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

﴿٨١﴾ الإسراء

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