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  • Sujet du message: Jane Austen
Publié: Lun Mars 17, 2008 12:10 am 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
Inscrit le: 07 Décembre 2007
Sujets: 97
Messages: 2855
Localisation: دمشق - الامارات
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: الثالثة والحمدلله
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Jane Austen was one of the most famous novelists in English literature. She was born on 16th December,1775, in the south of England.                                          
She started writing at the age of 12. She wrote plays, short stories and               
Poems between 1787 and 1793. She began her first novel, Sense and Sensibility
In about 1795.                                                                                                          
Between October 1796 and August 1797, Austen completed Pride and prejudice.
In the same year, her father sent her to London publisher, but he did not reply. In
1801,the Austen family moved to Bath, a town in the west of England, but Jane did not go with them. For eight years, she lived in different towns, including southampton on the south coast, from 1805 to 1809. In the same year, her brother Edwaerd, gave her a house in Chawton, near the town of her birth.                    
Sense and Sensibility appeared in 1811 and was a success. After two years, Pride and prejudice appeared, and she was famous. The king of England liked her novels. At 41,Jane became ill. She continued writing, but she died a year later, on July 18th ,1817.


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  • Sujet du message: Jane Austen
Publié: Mar Mars 18, 2008 1:18 am 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
Inscrit le: 02 Mars 2007
Sujets: 94
Messages: 4047
Localisation: Hama
Section: English Department
Année: دبلوم ELT
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God bless your hands for these pieces of information about the great novelist Jane  :wink:
Thank u again  *ورود


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  • Sujet du message: Jane Austen
Publié: Dim Juil 10, 2011 8:32 pm 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
Inscrit le: 29 Mars 2011
Messages: 5
Section: walaa
Année: الرابعة
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بليز بدي مساعدة بدي ترجمة اول فصلين من رواية الكبرياء والهوى

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  • Sujet du message: Jane Austen - Pride And Prejudice Mobile eBook
Publié: Dim Juil 10, 2011 9:00 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 14 Octobre 2010
Sujets: 27
Messages: 94
Localisation: Syrian Arab Republic
Section: اللغة الإنجليزية
Année: الرابعة
Nom: Jamal al Asaad
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Pride_And_Prejudice على جوالك
هذا البرنامج يحتوي على الرواية وهو يعمل على جميع أجهزة الخليوي سوني +نوكيا+بعض السامسونغ
Jane Austen - Pride And Prejudice Mobile eBook
Description: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.].
File size : 337.30 KB  
Uploaded on : 10/07/2011  
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If I could choose the way to die, I would choose to die in prayer bowing down to Allah

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