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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Lun Juil 19, 2010 2:19 am 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
Inscrit le: 02 Mars 2007
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Localisation: Hama
Section: English Department
Année: دبلوم ELT
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Hello for all of you  *Hi  teachers, students and members  *ورود

As teachers and students of English language, it is our duty to make English teaching in our Syrian EFL schools better. Our students are in need for qualified teachers in order to teach them in the right ways that are suitable for their level and age :) . Every day we hear of some problems in some schools that face either students or teachers :? . What is the source of such problems and how can we, as responsible for English language, deal with such problems and try to solve them appropriately?   :roll:

In this topic we'll deal with the negative points that happen frequently in our schools, discuss with each other such problems and suggest some solutions to avoid them and make our teaching style better  :wink:

What do you think are the problems that might face our students when learning English?  and in your opinion, what are the negative points that should be solved in our Syrian schools in order to make English teaching and learning run properly?
*ورود  *ورود


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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Lun Juil 19, 2010 3:00 am 
آرتيني نشيط
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thank you for this interesting topic  
first.I would say that most of us as  mid school students did not have permanent english teacher (I remember that my first english teacher was in the seventh grade)
But the major reason ,I think , is the concentration on the grammer more than the speak and follow old styles in teaching.
In word, we must focus on pronunciation as the same as grammer
*1  *1


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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Lun Juil 19, 2010 3:06 am 
مشرف قسم الترجمة في الانجليزية
مشرف قسم الترجمة في الانجليزية
Inscrit le: 15 Mars 2007
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Really it is a good point to discuss
problems are many unfortunately
but the one that is worth mentioning is:

that students are not exposed to language very well
away from the logistic problems of the number of student and the level of teachers and so
Exposure is the main means in which the child learns another language and in my belief he\she may acquire it and you know what is acquriring and what is learning.

to give student materials and lets say an hour in a day for listening
We see the picture of a tap in the reading book but i have never been in a class and heard a voice of native speaker
i only heard my teacher's one which was so terrible and I am not blaming him
because he cant be a native, and it is not a must to be a native to teach the language although it you were it would be better.

this is one difficulty we face among many others and I hope you get red of them all

thank you for this thread very much it is really nice and helpful
I hope to see our teachers, lecturers and colleagues comments and participations. I will come back with another problem soon
*ورود  *ورود  *ورود  *ورود  *ورود

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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Lun Juil 19, 2010 12:33 pm 
آرتيني نشيط
آرتيني نشيط
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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
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What do you think are the problems that might face our students when learning English

i think that one of the problems is the limited time of exposure,as the guys here said..

another problem is the laziness of the most students and the stereotyped view of the difficult and non-needed English. you may remember lots students in even intermediate levels who had never taken the English class seriouslly. I don't know how this idea was appealing to their tiny minds. :roll ...... :  
IN addition to the poor qualified and unreliable teachers of English in our schools. I remember that only till the 11th level that I met a good En teacher ! Imagine! though I've studied in the so-called best schools in my city. Anyway, I think that the Ministry of Education must issue some measures to improve the quality of their teachers, their employees.


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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Lun Juil 19, 2010 2:37 pm 
مشرفة قسم Say It in English
مشرفة قسم Say It in English
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Inscrit le: 19 Février 2009
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Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبــلــوم
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Peace be upon you

It's really nice to discuss one of the most important topics that we face when we try to teach or learn more and more about English language .
     Actually , I think problems found in every field and department, but one should know how to deal with them well . If we want to learn another language , we have to learn its grammar because it's the best way to go on and get better , pronunciation is also very important in this process and this is one of our big problems as teachers or students of English language . We need to improve our pronunciation and to do this we should  have means , we have to try to speak English more  , we have to have an addition courses for conversations . Pupils used to say : " English is too difficult , we hate this subject and its teachers " they say a lot , but they do nothing  in order to understand . Briefly , problems might be coused by either teachers or students , and in this way we are in front of new lesson its title is " How can you solve this problems " to know the answer we need to know the reasons that make students dislike this language and do our best to help them and change their attitude

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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Mar Juil 20, 2010 2:27 am 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
Inscrit le: 02 Mars 2007
Sujets: 94
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Localisation: Hama
Section: English Department
Année: دبلوم ELT
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(I remember that my first english teacher was in the seventh grade)

 :?  Really? what about the fifth and sixth grade?
But the major reason ,I think , is the concentration on the grammer more than the speak and follow old styles in teaching.
In word, we must focus on pronunciation as the same as grammer

In this comment you raised three main issues actually  *1
The first one is the focus on accuracy more than fluency which I regard as a very big problem for the teachers of English  :?  When students try to speak, if they really speak, teachers always let them down and try to correct their mistakes of grammar .. Although these students have many brilliant ideas in their minds, but teachers want them to speak perfectly  :| This is a very big mistake because in this case those students might become shy and will not participate again because they might feel that they are stupid  :? . Moreover, their friends also will think in the same way and the only one speaks in the class will be the teacher  *---

The second point is following the traditional ways of teaching  *1
I agree with you about this point because I myself hate such traditional ways and get bored of them  *---  what about the students especially the young ones?? Students, both adults and children, always want to try something new. They will become more motivated when there is the element of novelty in the class. When they find something strange and appropriate for their age they will participate more and show their enthusiasm for it and in this way learning will happen effectively. Once they are exposed to English in the traditional way, they will get bored and sleepy and they will find it difficult more than the other subjects.  :wink:

The third point is that teachers should focus on pronunciation   :wink:
Some teachers get bored of correcting students' mispronunciation. They might complain that they have a lot to do already in the classroom and pronunciation teaching will only make things worse.  :?  However, good pronunciation will lead to good speaking and students will become more proud of themselves when mastering the English words correctly. But of course, teachers should be very careful when correcting students' mistakes  :wink: this is another problem that should be tackled  :wink:

Thanks very much for your participation  *ورود I'm waiting for your other problems  :wink:


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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Mar Juil 20, 2010 7:30 pm 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
Inscrit le: 02 Mars 2007
Sujets: 94
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Localisation: Hama
Section: English Department
Année: دبلوم ELT
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Obada Arwany,  
that students are not exposed to language very well

You are right Obada in this point  *1 If you notice that our schools have a limited number of classes per week; some of them have two, others have three .. I think that this is not enough for our students to learn the new language sufficiently. Even if teachers can't maximize the number of classes, they can give students activities to do at home especially the listening ones because as we know that our schools are not equipped with enough materials to support listening skil :? l, so in this case they can develop this skill by themselves at home and then discuss with their teacher what they have already done at home.  :wink:
We see the picture of a tap in the reading book but i have never been in a class and heard a voice of native speaker
i only heard my teacher's one which was so terrible and I am not blaming him
because he cant be a native, and it is not a must to be a native to teach the language

Students have the right to improve the listening skill because once they receive good input they will produce good output. The resources that they should listen to should be authentic; i.e. they should listen to native speakers but unfortunately what happened in our school is that teachers don't pay much attention to this skill and marginalize it because they regard that the other skills, reading, writing and speaking, are more important. Moreover, we don't have in our schools enough materials like tape recorders, tapes, ...etc.
The teacher's accent is not necessary to be native .. It should be at least acceptable and understood in order for the students to understand what's happening around them.
Thanx for your participation  *ورود

the laziness of the most students

Thanks for mentioning this point  *1 The low level of students is a very big and sensitive problem that teachers should be aware of. It's not a problem for students themselves .. they don't know how to be good at English. It's the responsibility of all; teachers, parents and the students himself. We always notice that some teachers don't pay attention to the lazy students in the class because they regard that they will spend more time explaining the lesson or the rule for them  :? Actually sometimes they are right because they don't want to spend time in vain and in this case they will not be able to complete the course. But they should do their best to solve this problem .. they can explain the lesson in a way that students like according to their age  :wink: for example they can bring posters and big pictures .. they can use games in the class regarding the lesson and in this case students will not think about their low levels, they will think about how they can play this game and how to win  :wink:  Parents also are responsible for this issue because teachers alone can't do the whole work in just 45 minutes and with a huge number of students in the same class  :arrow:
the stereotyped view of the difficult and non-needed English

  :roll: I'm sorry I didn't get your point well  :|

IN addition to the poor qualified and unreliable teachers of English in our schools. I remember that only till the 11th level that I met a good En teacher !

 :(  Poor students! It is the responsibility of the school and the supervisors
I know some teachers who didn't study English before and they are teachers of English  :?
There are also some teachers whose main concern is to complete the course without paying attention to whether the students understand or not  :?

Thank you also for your nice comments


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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Mar Juil 20, 2010 7:32 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Inscrit le: 24 Avril 2010
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Section: لغة انكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Thank you dear Raghad for this nice topic.
Maybe most of the problems revolve around listening.

i have never been in a class and heard a voice of native speaker

Actually the cassette that comes with the coursebook can solve this problem because it is done by native speakers.It is an important source of the lisening material,but unfortunatly most of English teachers do not use it because the time is too short or because students feel that the speed of the speaking is above their level.
I think that the teacher,at the beginning of the year, must copy the cassette and give each student a copy. If students try to practise listening at home before taking each lesson , it will be very good.
In class,we usually have only chance to hear something. This is why, before a listening exercise, we need to start  by doing activties to prepare students.Then we need to activities in which students use the information from the item they have listened to. I can mention these activities if somebody wants.

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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Mar Juil 20, 2010 10:31 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Inscrit le: 18 Février 2009
Sujets: 15
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Localisation: Magic Kingdom
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    I guess this topic covers a wide spectrum of problems.  I find it necessary to limit down the scope of tackling it to avoid over-generalization.  From what little I know there are problems related mainly to students' age, level and motivation; others are pertaining to teachers' training, motivation and workplace; the educational system and the culture of society play a crucial role in affecting the learning-teaching process and not to forget whether the learning-teaching process takes place in a private or public institute.  On the other hand, technical problems such as those related to the four skills still thwart the efforts of both teachers and learners.

For now, I'd like to spotlight age as an underlying factor undermining the performance of students and of course teachers.  Teaching English for children in elementary schools is a little bit tough since it includes classroom management which is still a difficult technique for teachers - even the experienced. Usually teachers go to extremes when handling this technique.  The result is unfortunately a teacher who is a dictator or lenient.  It is more suitable to depend on a different approach toward such students who are still young.  Such an approach would stir the class and then calm it down or it could really be the carrot and stick approach.

When it comes to teens, pages could be devoted to them.  Teenage is characterized with a turbulent mood often very temporary which affects the performance.  It is a time of delinquency and when things go from bad to worse a time of crime.  Many of us heard of students who were overachievers throughout their school life but turned to underachievers in their teenage and in some cases they became high school dropouts.  I guess solving this problem does not take place in the school only but in society as well with all its institutions starting from the smallest unit - the family.

Childhood and teenage are very delicate periods and frankly I personally -given the choice- don't like to take part in this.  I prefer the students of the next age group, adults.  Actually, adults have their educational problems but the teacher is at least still dealing with mature members of society not clowns behind desks.  Teaching adults in private institutes is different from teaching them in the public sector since they are here now because the paid for it and need the certificate for promotion or getting a job.  So they already have the motivation.  This kind of learning English is called instrumental.  English is a means of getting a goal.  In contrast, if they don't get what they want they will be after trouble and of course there are many ways to get out of the murky waters of private tuition.

Like I said before, such a topic is variant and many pages could be devoted to discussing it and still the end will remain open for further discussion.  I've tried just to raise awareness about some points in short rather than in detail.

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  • Sujet du message: Problems in teaching & learning English in Syria
Publié: Mer Juil 21, 2010 12:37 am 
آرتيني نشيط
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the stereotyped view of the difficult and non-needed English

  I'm sorry I didn't get your point well  

I said:
the stereotyped view of the difficult and non-needed English. you may remember lots students in even intermediate levels who had never taken the English class seriouslly.

This means that lots of students didn't take the En class seriously because they think it's difficult and "unwothy" in everyday life; they think it's not as important as math, Arabic, physics,etc.
that's obviouslly wrong judgement, so _as you see_ I said :
I don't know how this idea was appealing to their tiny minds.

Your analysis is great. I like how you spread your ideas.



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