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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Lun Août 08, 2011 2:28 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
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Gender: Male ::

I've a lot of dreams
But now  I have no schemes

I even failed in what life dragged into
So what a guy and what a man, too

Lately I was trying to be something
Then I shifted to be aimless as nothing

My family used not to believe in me
Now I know why, 'cause I see the true me

Emotionally, there was someone in mind
But as is usually said: love is so blind

In study, I once was one of the best
Now, the dropped me out of that list

At last, that's me and what a tale
So I am literally what is called "Born to Fail".

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Mar Août 09, 2011 5:48 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
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Gender: Male ::

thanks  so much

all i need is to know that there is someone there

thank U

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Sam Août 13, 2011 2:41 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 23 Août 2010
Sujets: 19
Messages: 158
Localisation: عروس البادية السورية
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: الرابعة بدايةالنهاية
Nom: Nada
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Gender: Female ::

My dear friend: each one of us has his/her problems and feel very sad as if he is alone and no one cares about him but this is not true and this is not the end of the world and I am pretty sure that if you look carefully you will find alot of friends around you and they are ready to help you whenever you call them :wink:  :lol:
At the end I want to tell you that God is there and he never forget you and I am sure that he has a very nice gift just for you so please keep hoping 'cause hope is the great thing that we all can do :roll:
May God bless you my friend :oops:  *1  

Signature Image

الأمل كنجوم السماء أجمل ما تكون عندما تبدو الحياة أشد ظلاما

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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Sam Août 13, 2011 3:01 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
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Gender: Male ::

Thanks a lot
I know that Allah is there
He is always there
But what i'm looking  for is the support of the people around me
and i have some hope because my motto in life is in my signature
Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst

Thank you again

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Dim Août 14, 2011 2:54 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 23 Août 2010
Sujets: 19
Messages: 158
Localisation: عروس البادية السورية
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: الرابعة بدايةالنهاية
Nom: Nada
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Gender: Female ::

Dear friend :we are with you and be sure you are not alone
I feel as if you are my brother and I really want to help you because Ihave always take my HOPE from you *1  *1  
so please keep hoping and do not forget that we all count on you and trust you *good  *good

Signature Image

الأمل كنجوم السماء أجمل ما تكون عندما تبدو الحياة أشد ظلاما

Haut .:. Bottom
  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Lun Août 15, 2011 4:27 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
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Gender: Male ::

thank you  فراشةالربيع,  
thank you for these words
you are for me a sister and unfortunately i don't have a sister in real life
*1  *1  *1
thank you for your trust   :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Mer Août 17, 2011 10:23 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 19 Juillet 2011
Sujets: 3
Messages: 52
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: الثالثة
Nom: محمدالمغربل
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Gender: Male ::

i will face the world with u abo manar so dont worry-we will stay with each other till the doomsday-we will eat icecreams and potatoes and we will eat chickens too-and we will drink water and cola - o my god i love the cola so much-it is cold -u can drink it while u were playing football with ur friends -what else-i forgetten to say what i was going to say so wait me i will comes backs so soony

Signature لنقف معاً ضد من يكره الأمان لسورية

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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Jeu Août 18, 2011 2:50 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
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Gender: Male ::

thanks  محمدالمغربل,  
and  linda99,

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Jeu Août 18, 2011 2:51 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
I have no topics yet

Gender: Male ::

:!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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  • Sujet du message: Me against the World
Publié: Jeu Août 18, 2011 2:53 am 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Inscrit le: 11 Mars 2009
Sujets: 8
Messages: 112
Section: اللغة الإنكليزية
Année: بس بلش الدوام رابعة
Nom: نوار عبدالهادي
I have no topics yet

Gender: Male ::

:!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: `

Hoping the Best
But Expecting the Worst!


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