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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4+5 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4+5   Lectures
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:57 pm 
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English Renaissance Poetry :Sir Thomas Wyatt

                               A Renouncing of Love(Farewell Love)

                                                   Farewell ,Love ,and all thy laws for ever,                                                  
                                                Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb

               Words' Explanation
Farewell: good-bye.
Laws: customs
Bait : food put on a hook to catch fish
Tangle: confuse
Lore: learning
Prick: feel sharp pain
Sore: cause sorrow and sadness.
Trifle: worthless
Liberty: freedom
Lever: preferable
Authority: control.
Me lusteth: I desire.
               Poem's ideas :]

_  In the first quatrain the poet bids farewell to love and its conventions because it fascinates  him no more .The beauty and charm of love are likened to a baited hook that keeps the lover restless  and in pain only to lose  the spirit of knowledge .Love is thus  treated only as a deception ,a fancy that cheats.

_  In the second quatrain , the poet tells that right according to the conventions of love he worshipped the beloved without evoking any favorable response from her . His faith in love  made him persist  in his wooing  efforts but the cruel rejection  by the beloved  proved too  painful for him.

_  The poet tells that only immature youth can be trapped by love .The poet has passed that stage of immaturity and therefore  the arrows of Cupid can have no effect on him .It can trouble only young  and immature people .Its arrows are hard but easily broken, and can have no effect  on the poet though they  may penetrate the hearts of the  immature youth .He regrets that he has wasted his life so  far in the pursuit of  love and now he does not bother about  such a foolish pursuit.

[b]Quick Revision:

_ This is an anti-Petrarchan  sonnet for love is  rejected for knowledge .It is an experimental sonnet and lacks the perfection that we find in Shakespeare.
_ In the sestet ,the poet tells that only immature youth are trapped by love .He is past that stage and regret his folly in pursing the beloved .Now he does not bother about such a foolish pursuit

[b] The rhyme Scheme :

The rhyme Scheme  is : abba abba  cddcee                 

                                                                               B-E-S-T    M-A-N             
                                                                                      G-O-O-D   L-U-C-K


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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

Last edited by bestman on Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرةالثالثة English Renaissance Poetry   THird Lecture
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:34 pm 
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English Renaissance Poetry :Sir Philip Sidney(1554-86)

Sidney's life:
- His Family:
-He was born in Kent Penshurst                                                                                                              -He was named after Philip of  Spain . He  was  the  eldest  son  of  Sir Henry  Sidney ,Elizabeth's Lord Deputy in Ireland .His mother ,Lady Mary Dudley ,was a daughter Of the Duke Northumberland .His uncle Robert Dudley ,the fifth son of John Dudley ,the Earl of Leicester. Robert's wife Amy Robert  who died of poison from him , he died  at Cornbury , of poison rumored to have been intended for his wife                                                                               - General notes:
- He was courtier , poet , critic , author of prose romance. He entered school in Shrewsbury.  - His friend Sir Fulke Greville , long-life friend and future biographer. In 14he left his school to Christ church in Oxford . he traveled to France , Germany , Austria , Italy. He studied history , ethics , astronomy , music .he was appointment as governor of Flushing.
-His Death :
- He was wounded in the fight in October2 , 1586 . The wound proved fatal , and did not heal and within22 days he was dead. He dead in 24 October 1586 .
- Sidney's Works :- Sidney's works consist of his famous pastoral romance Arcadia, his sonnets Astrophel and Stella, and his Apologie for Poetrie, afterwards called Defence of  Poesie.

                                                              From Astrophel  and Stella
                                                          Sonnet   1       
             Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show,
                    'Fool', said my muse to me; 'look in thy heart, and write.'
-Word's explanation:-Fain: with pleasure                                                                                                                                   -Fit words: suitable words to express love                                                                                             - Woe: sorrow                                                                                                                                            -Fresh and fruitful showers: new and suitable words                                                                         -Nature's child: invention                                                                                                                         -Truant: idle pen which does not produce what the poet aspires to write.                                    - Spite: ill will                                                                                                                                              -Muse: a spirit that inspires the poet to write poetry.
                -General speaking about the poem:
-It is a poem that leaps to triumphant climax of it's last line .It is opening sonnet in Sidney 's  sequence Astrophel and Stella . The sequence is widely believed to be written  to honor Penelope, the daughter of  the Earl of Essex. Penelope is stated to be Stella of the poem. However, it should be  remembered that this sonnet together with other sonnets were written at a time when the poet was making plans for his wedding  to Francis, 14 year old daughter of his friend Francis Walsingham. Sidney  chose Penelope because she was an excellent symbol for the poet. The sonnets are in fact merely compliments of a courtier.
- Conclusion:
In this sonnet, Sidney feels the self-conscious necessity to act out the process of true invention and portray it in part as youthful, plain talking and explosive. However, the sonnet does not disclaim artifice and convention. It associates the conventionally hallowed image  of the mistress with the reminder.
- The rhyme Scheme:
The rhyme Scheme  is : abab cdcd efef  gg                 

                                                              B-E-S-T    M-A-N  
                                                             G-O-O-D   L-U-C-K


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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرة الرابعة English Renaissance Poetry forth   Lecture
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:53 pm 
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English Renaissance Poetry :Sir Philip Sidney(1554-86)

Come sleep, O sleep, the certain Knot of peace
Livelier than elsewhere, Stella's image see

Stella, the only planet of my light,
It is, so fair a virtue to enjoy.

[u]Note: I am so sorry coz I have not any explanation for this two sonnet.[/u]
Love's Funeral

Ring out your bells, let mourning shows be spread,

Good Lord, deliver us.
-General speaking:- Sidney's collection certain Poems, despite its title is a miscellaneous collection of poems written in a variety of verse forms.
-It consists of four stanzas of10lines each. Each stanza includes a refrain of four lines at its end. The poem has complicated rhyme scheme of each stanza is(aa bc bc dd ee)
- The poem appears both a dirge and litany. It is a dirge in the sense that it signs about the death of love. It is also a litany because each stanza ends with prayer to God.

-The First Stanza(Death of Love):
The poet says that the church bells should be rung and mourning done as true love is dead. It can no more be seen in this world. It has been infected with deep feeling of contempt towards the lover. Merit of the true lover has been ignored and the mistress shows nothing but scorn for the lover. The beloved is thus ungrateful by not responding to the sincere and intense passion of the lover.

                       -The Second Stanza(Widening the Grief):
     The grief of the individual lover is sought to be generalized in second stanza . The poet asks here  neighbors to join the mourning at the death of true love The poet thinks that the death of true love is due to the folly of the male lover in worshipping the female and raising her to high status from which she looks down upon all men.

-The Third Stanza (Ritualizing the Grief)
      The poet wishes a song to be sung at that death of true love and a series of masses to be sung for the dead. Trentals is a series of thirty days, each day, for a deceased (dead)lover. The epitaph on the tomb of love says that the eyes of beloved were the arrows of love. It is wrong because no love ever shot forth from those eyes. The poet therefore prays for the freedom of men from the cruelty of such mad women who do not favorably respond to the sincere passions of love.
-The forth Stanza(Element of Surprise):
          The element  of un expectedness, of surprise gives a vitality to the poem which otherwise would have been a complaint of the lover against the beloved for a lack of response from her. The final stanza tells that the earlier complaint is false and is the product of anger and resentment at the lack of response in a particular case. Love is indeed not dead but very much alive. It is only sleeping in the mind of the mistress. The poet therefore prays to God to free him from such distorted vision of love that he had due to personal disappointment and frustration.  

                             B-E-S-T    M-A-N  
                            G-O-O-D   L-U-C-K


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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4   Lectures
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:18 pm 
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الله يعطيك الف عافية يارب...
شكرا الك و لتعاونك معنا ومساعدتنا...  

تقبل مروري..  *1

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4   Lectures
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:45 am 
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تانكيو كتيرررررررررررررررررررر *ورود  *ورود  *ورود

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4   Lectures
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:05 pm 
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شكرا الك و لتعاونك معنا ومساعدتنا...  

ولو ما أنا وعدتك أنو  كفي معك للآخر  بيقول المثل ايد وحدة مابتصفق  ومشان هيك اخترت انو كون في مراسلين وبتكون التغطية أشمل ولكافة المحاضرات
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شكرا للمرور

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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4+5 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4+5   Lectures
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:39 am 
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English Renaissance Poetry (fifth lecture)
Pastoral poetry
Christopher Marlowe(1564-93)
Christopher's Life:-He is a playwright .A son of shoemaker. He  was educated at the King's school, Canterbury, and awarded a scholarship at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He became an agent of Francis Walsingham. He took his BA in 1584,his MA in1587.
His Works:
-Tamburlaine The Great.
-Dido, Queen of Carthage.
- Edward the Second.
-Doctor Faustus.
-Hero and Leander.
-The Jew of Malta.
- Massacre of Paris.
-The passionate Shepherd to his love.
His Death:
His  death was by violence in a Deptford tavern in 1593.
                                                 The Passionate Shepherd to his Love
                                  Come live with me and be my love,
                                Then live with me , and be my love
Word's Explanation:-Craggy: falling and rising sharply.
-Melodious: sweet sounding.
-Fragrant: sweet-smelling.
-Myrtle: a genus of evergreen shrub with beautiful and fragrant flowers.
-Ivy: clinging evergreen plant.
-Clasp: a device used for keeping  two ends together.
-General Speaking about the Poem:
-The poem consists of 24 lines divided into 6 quatrains. It is a four-line iambic tetrameter rhyming (aabb,ccdd,eeff,…). Marlowe tries to reflect the image of the pastoral poetry world in his descriptive poem  and creates a subject of simple country life and nature of rusting settings.

Iambic: metrical foot  consist of unstressed syllable, followed by a stressed syllable.
Tetrameter: a four-foot line.
-Poem's Explanation:-First quatrain: the poet asks his beloved to come to live  with him  and be his love. He prepares to the creation of a world dominated by tranquility, serenity and simplicity.
-Second quatrain presents a vivid poetic image which  depicts the poet attempting to win his love with promises. They both will sit on rocks near rivers watching the other shepherds feeding their sheep.
- Third quatrain: A magnificent image of roses and fragrance is given in this quatrain. The poet uses simple and available aspects and elements of rural life around him. He makes a bed of roses  for his love. He also offers her a number of gifts.
-The fourth quatrain produces some more promises from the part of the poet. He promises to offer address made of finest quality of fleece sheared and collected from pretty lambs.
-The fifth quatrain describes that , if the lady is still undecided ,the poet is ready to offer more presents. Her simple belt of straw and ivy buds, he adds, will be adorned with coral clasps and amber studs.
-The final quatrain describes the happiness of the sheep and swains in spring. It is a month of delight and pleasure and suitable to prove love and taste its fruits. It emphasizes the poet's message, and waits for an answer  from the poet's love to come and live with him.

-Quick Revision:
-Rhythm: iambic  tetrameter
-Rhyme: aabb
-Type: pastoral poetry

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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4+5 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4+5   Lectures
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:26 am 
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bestman, شكرا كتير عم نعذبك *good  *good

بس هي المحاضرة كاملة ولا ملخص؟؟؟؟؟ :roll:

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4+5 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4+5   Lectures
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:01 am 
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اهلا وسهلا فيكي عذابكن راحة :wink:  :wink:  :wink:

هي بالذات محاضرة كاملة

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عذراً باريس
فـ{سورية} أصبحتْ عاصمة العطور

.فرائحة دمـااء شهدائها .. { أزكى } من عُطور الدنيا

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  • Post subject: مادة شعر عصر النهضةالمحاضرات 2+3+4+5 English Renaissance Poetry2+3+4+5   Lectures
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:46 am 
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انا اندوخت كأنو الدكتور عم يعطي كزا قصيدة نفس الي كانو بالسنة الاولى؟؟؟؟
بليز حدا يجاوبني ازا نفسن لاعرف من وين الغلط :shock:

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