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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:13 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
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summary of Waiting 4 Godot
Waiting for Godot begins with two men on a barren road by a leafless tree. These men, Vladimir and Estragon, are often characterized as "tramps," and we soon see that the world of this play is operating on its own set of rules, its own system where nothing happens, nothing is certain, and there’s never anything to do. Vladimir and Estragon, we soon learn, are waiting for Godot, a man or perhaps a deity. The tramps can’t be sure if they’ve met Godot, if they’re waiting in the right place, if this is the right day, or even whether Godot is going to show up at all. While they wait, Vladimir and Estragon fill their time with a series of mundane activities (like taking a boot on and off) and trivial conversations (turnips, carrots) interspersed with more serious reflection (dead voices, suicide, the Bible).

The tramps are soon interrupted by the arrival of Lucky, a man/servant/pet with a rope tied around his neck, and Pozzo, his master, holding the other end of the long rope. The four men proceed to do together what Vladimir and Estragon did earlier by themselves: namely, nothing.

(The members of the audience, meanwhile, scratch their heads and look around to see if everyone else gets what’s going on. At least, we guess that they do. We sure did the first time around.)

Lucky and Pozzo then leave so that Vladimir and Estragon can go back to doing nothing by themselves. Vladimir suggests that this is not the first time he’s met with Lucky and Pozzo, which is surprising, since they acted like strangers upon arrival. Then again, Estragon can’t even remember a conversation ten lines after it happens, so we’re not going to depend on memory in this play. So the nothing is interrupted by the arrival of the Boy, who reports to Vladimir that Godot isn’t coming today, but will be there tomorrow. Yippee! Except not, since Vladimir’s comments suggest the Boy has said this before.

Estragon and Vladimir talk about suicide some more and then resolve to leave the stage, since it’s nightfall and they no longer have to wait for Godot. Of course, having resolved to leave, neither man moves, and the curtain closes on Act I.

The curtain opens for Act II which you will soon see is remarkably like Act I. The men still sit around waiting for Godot and try to fill the idle hours in the meantime. Lucky and Pozzo show up, only this time Lucky has gone mute and Pozzo is blind. They putz around the stage for a while, and Pozzo declares that, having lost his eyes, he now has no sense of time. Lucky declares nothing, because he’s mute.

Vladimir gets rather poetic in the meantime, wondering if maybe he’s sleeping, agreeing with Pozzo’s claim that life is fleeting, and concluding that habit is the great deadener of life. Pozzo and Lucky leave again, just in time for the Boy to show up right on cue and tell Vladimir that Godot isn’t coming today, but will be there tomorrow. Vladimir and Estragon contemplate suicide, but have no rope (they have in mind to hang themselves from the barren tree, since it’s the only prop around that could lend itself to such an endeavor). The men resolve to leave, since it’s nightfall and they no longer have to wait for Godot, but neither man moves and the curtain falls.

The play ends, but we think everyone knows what happens next. And after that. And after that.
best wishes *1

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:15 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
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صفات المسرحية العبث
بساطة اللغة والتركيبات المستخدمة ....لغة المسرحية مفهومة ولا يوجد أي كلمات لها معنى ضمني....
الشخصيات الساكنة....الشخصيات في الرواية ساكنة ولا تتحرك...بل تبقى ع حالها حتى نهاية المسرحية...نلاحظ ان فلاديمير واسترونغ ينتظرون غودوت بدون أي حركة...ولهذا السبب سمي بالمسرح العبث
هدول الي يتذكرن والله.....وانشالله تستفيدو من الملخص ومن هاي الصفات
وفيكن تكتبو الكثير الكثير من المواضيع ومنها
Waiting for Godot Theme of Philosophical Viewpoints: The Absurd
Waiting for Godot is hailed as a classic example of "Theatre of the Absurd," dramatic works that promote the philosophy of its name. This particular play presents a world in which daily actions are without meaning, language fails to effectively communicate, and the characters at time reflect a sense of artifice, even wondering aloud whether perhaps they are on a stage.
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.
Lucky is the only character in Waiting for Godot whose actions are rational, rather than absurd.
Waiting for Godot Theme of Life, Consciousness, and Existence
The portrait of daily life painted by Waiting for Godot is a dismal one. It is repetitive and stagnant. It lacks meaning and purpose and entails perpetual suffering. The solution (which none of the characters take) would seem to be action and choice despite the ever-presence of uncertainty, and an awareness of one’s surroundings and past actions. As one character says, "habit is a great deadener" – our actions should stem from conscious choice rather than apathy.
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.
The barren setting of Waiting for Godot is proof that Vladimir and Estragon will never be able to break their cycle of inactive waiting; it negates the possibility of life or creation.

Suffering is a necessary and constant state for all men in the world of Waiting for Godot.
Waiting for Godot Theme of Time
Time presents a slew of problems in Waiting for Godot. The very title of the play reveals its central action: waiting. The two main characters are forced to whittle away their days while anticipating the arrival of a man who never comes. Because they have nothing to do in the meantime, time is a dreaded barrier, a test of their ability to endure. Because they repeat the same actions every day, time is cyclical. That every character seems to have a faulty memory further complicates matters; time loses meaning when the actions of one day have no relevance or certainty on the next.
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.
Pozzo chooses to go blind because he has lost his watch.
*1  *1  *1  *1  :)

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:49 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
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سلام عليكم الطلاب الي حاببن يدرسو حلقة البحث
نزلتها من زمان بس بذكركن هي ع الرابط بالعربي
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وانكليزي ع الرابط
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Sorry, you have to register to see the link If you are a member, just sign in

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:50 pm 
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وهاي كمان اسئلة الامتحان لحلقة البحث سنة الماضية
*1 طبعا الأسئله كانت مؤتمته وهي من رواية
waiting 4 Godot
1_who is the optimist who says " tomorrow will be better"
a_ Estragon

2_pauses and periods of silence.
A_have no significance
b_ indicate contemplation and hope
c_ means the break down of all froms of communication

3_the relationship between pozzo and lucky present

4_ the status of pozzo and lucky in act two
c_remains unchanged

5_ waiting for Godot
a_is one act play
b_ has two acts
c_has three acts

6_ the action in Waiting for Godot is
c_arranged in a logical sequence of events

7_waiting for Godot belongs to the
a_ naturalistic theatre
b_theatre of the absurd

8_ the theme of waiting for godot is about
a_ uncertainty

9_ where did Estragon spent the night prior to the opening scene..in
a_ ditch
c_on the mound

10_who is obsessed with taking off his boots
a_ Estragon

...Good luck *1

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 7:26 pm 
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اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدا رسول الله

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:14 pm 
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my pleasure dear :)  *1

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:28 am 
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thank you a lot

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  • Post subject: كل ما يتعلق بحلقة بحث المسرح الحديث
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:58 am 
آرتيني مشارك
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welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeee *1  :)

Signature "Bohara xwsh hati"

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