يقال أنّ لكل لغة خفايا , هنا نضع ما يصعب علينا من قواعد اللغة الانكليزية و نتعاون في حل تمارينها المختلفة .

قوانين المنتدى

- يمكنكم في أي وقت زيارة قسم مكتبة اللغة الإنجليزية لنشر أو تحميل الكتب أو البرامج المتعلقة بهذا القسم .
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BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الجمعة تشرين الثاني 04, 2011 10:45 م


BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

السبت تشرين الثاني 05, 2011 3:01 م

برافو لمى .مستواكي بتحسن كبير بالاجابة

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الأحد تشرين الثاني 06, 2011 2:38 ص

شكرا الك بس هي انا اول مره شارك بجوزتشابه اسماء على العموم شكرا

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الأحد تشرين الثاني 06, 2011 1:23 م

العفو .... صح في لمى و في لما و في لمى 11
آسف و شكرا لمشاركتك الجيدة

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الاثنين تشرين الثاني 14, 2011 11:19 م

back ........very soon

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 15, 2011 12:26 ص

Relative clauses
a. Correct - where - Use 'where' to refer to places.
b. which - Use 'which' to refer to things.
c. who - Use 'who' to refer to people.
d. when - Use 'when' to refer to times.

a. that - 'That' is correct – it refers to the house.
b. which - 'Which' is correct – it refers to the house.
c. --- - You can omit the pronoun when it refers to the object (they bought the house)
d. Correct - what - 'What' means 'the things that' and is not grammatically correct.

a. Correct - who - Use 'who' when the pronoun refers to a person in this type of 'extra
information' clause.
b. that - You cannot use 'that' in this type of 'extra information' clause.
c. --- - You cannot omit the pronoun in this type of 'extra information' clause.
d. which - You cannot use 'which' to refer to a person.

a. who - You could say 'who we are meeting with' or 'with whom we are meeting'.
b. Correct - whom - You could say 'who we are meeting with' or 'with whom we are
meeting' (very formal).
c. which - Use 'which' to refer to things, not people.
d. whose - Use 'whose' to refer to possessive pronouns.

a. who - Which word is used to refer to her husband?
b. whom - Which word is used to refer to her husband?
c. Correct - whose - Whose is used for possessives, i.e. is used to refer to her
d. who's - Who's = who is. Which word is used to refer to her husband?

a. where - 'Where' is not possible because of the preposition 'in' (in which I live).
b. Correct - which - 'Which' is the correct answer (in which I live).
c. who - Use 'who' to refer to people.
d. what - 'What' means 'the things that'.

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 15, 2011 12:28 ص

For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer:

1. ‘I've got money in the bank again, so now I'm back in the ________ .’
a. red
b. black
c. yellow
d. green

2. Choose the more formal alternative for the word in bold.
‘That picture cost me twenty quid.’
a. dollars
b. pounds
c. pence
d. cents

3. If you haven't got any money, you are ________.
a. broken
b. broke
c. smashed
d. shattered

4. How would you say the following amount of money? £1276
a. One thousand and two hundred and seventy six pounds.
b. One thousand, two hundred and seventy six pounds.
c. One thousand and two hundred, seventy six pounds.
d. One million, two hundred and seventy six pounds.

5. “It costs a fiver”. In Britain this means ________ .
a. fifty pence
b. five thousand pounds
c. five hundred pounds
d. five pounds

6. The following are all types of money. Which one do you borrow when you
want to buy a house?
a. pocket money
b. mortgage
c. allowance
d. grant

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 15, 2011 12:54 ص

جزاك الله خيرا، شكرا ليك على متابعة الموضوع
بخصوص السؤال الثاني يعني d هي الاجابة الصحيحة؟؟

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 15, 2011 1:53 ص

صح شكرا للتصحيح و بالنتظار الاجابات

BBC | British Council  Test On Art-en

الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 15, 2011 1:53 ص

صح شكرا للتصحيح و بالنتظار الاجابات
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