قسم خاص للدكتور عبد القادر عبد القادر , تجدون فيه ما يود الدكتور نشره من محاضرات أو اعلانات لطلابه , بالإضافة إلى الرد على التساؤلات أو الاستفسارات .

قوانين المنتدى

تنويه للأعضاء : في هذا القسم لن تظهر مشاركاتكم فور إرسالها , و إنما يجب الانتظار حتى الموافقة عليها من الدكتور او إدارة المنتدى حفاظاً على الرقي في التواصل و الحوار .
تنويه إلى الدكاترة : يمكنكم في أي وقت طلب إنشاء قسم خاص بكم عن طريق مراسلة إدارة آرتين من خلال صفحة راسلنا , التفاصيل كاملة حول الأقسام الخاصة للدكاترة في آرتين تجدونها هنا
إضافة رد

Warm Hello

السبت تشرين الأول 23, 2010 8:06 م

Hello everybody,
Many thanks for the great efforts made by all members of the Art-En family in running this fascinating site. I hope that I will have enough time to answer all students' precious queries and enrich the site with my modest topics and contributions.
I will be highly delighted to receive your questions regarding the subjects I am teaching at the English Department in Al-Furat University.
Kind Regards

Warm Hello

السبت تشرين الأول 23, 2010 11:15 م

We are so happy, Dr. Abdulkader, to see your personal section here
I should be grateful if you could give us  a sample of the computarized exam questions concerning the subject that you teach fourth year students at Al Furat University.
Alternatively, you could kindly give us a presentation for the subject, if you have one, which might help us.
Many thanks

Warm Hello

الأحد تشرين الأول 24, 2010 1:35 ص

Dear Dr.Abdulkader

I don’t blame you if you don’t remember me – well, maybe a little bit. It was, as I think, your first year at Al-Furat University and I was one of the students who like participation in the class.

I want to thank you and the same for my friends who graguated in this year 2009-2010 for encouraging us and supporting everything we did.

You were there through the good times and bad times.
Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
I am not saying that just because you are my English teacher.
I am saying that because I truly mean it. ; I don't say things just to please people. I tell the truth.

You were always there when my friends and I had questions.
You was always willing to help when we needed you.
All in all, thank you very much for helping us and wish you all the best.
*1  *1  *1

Warm Hello

الأحد تشرين الأول 24, 2010 9:09 م

Many thanks Muhammad for this really kind message. Of course I still remember you. I am really pleased to hear that I have been up to my students' expectations. Anyway, I would be grateful if you keep updating me with your, as well as other students', good news regarding your future careers.  
Best Wishes
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