قسم خاص للدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض , تجدون فيه ما يود الدكتور نشره من محاضرات أو اعلانات لطلابه , بالإضافة إلى الرد على التساؤلات أو الاستفسارات .

قوانين المنتدى

تنويه للأعضاء : في هذا القسم لن تظهر مشاركاتكم فور إرسالها , و إنما يجب الانتظار حتى الموافقة عليها من الدكتور او إدارة المنتدى حفاظاً على الرقي في التواصل و الحوار .
تنويه إلى الدكاترة : يمكنكم في أي وقت طلب إنشاء قسم خاص بكم عن طريق مراسلة إدارة آرتين من خلال صفحة راسلنا , التفاصيل كاملة حول الأقسام الخاصة للدكاترة في آرتين تجدونها هنا
إضافة رد


الأربعاء أيار 01, 2013 3:40 ص

Good day Dr.Samhar , hope you'r doing just fine

My name is Sinan and I am thinking of taking IELTS or TOEFL  test but i am a bet confused and lost..
I know exactly what are the differences between both,have been reading about them for like ages but for a reason or another i haven't selected yet which one i should go for !

From your dimension: would you recommend me to take the TOEFL or IELTS text as i am thinking  to do it by the end of June - July in Lebanon this year.
I am an (above average) 4th year student with good potentials in general ,my written and oral expression are at a good level .Having no problem understanding American or British accent for the reason that i had a job as an English tour guide at a historical castle.

I wanted to ask you about that last Wednesday at the class but I haven't got the right chance to do it , so here i am .......

Thank you so much Dr for your reading and time .we really appreciate the marvelous help that your offering for us ,



الاثنين أيار 13, 2013 2:32 ص

Don't be confused, the answer is simple, choose TOEFL. They are both great of course, but i suggest taking the TOEFL because it is more international than the IELTS.
Both need good command of the language, and since you seem to have such a command, doing either should not be a problem.
Hope this helps


الاثنين أيار 13, 2013 11:25 م

That was very helpful  ,NOW i can get my self ready for the the text .
Thank you so much for replying , I really really appreicate it .
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