لكل من لديه ملكةَ البوح سواء بالانكليزية أم الفرنسية نفسح المجال لعرض مانكتب و تبادل الرأي و النقد البنّاء .
الموضوع مغلق

Oh Four Oh Nine

السبت آذار 26, 2011 4:49 م

Oh four oh nine, oh my worried mind
When sun was worm again
You lost your consuios side

Oh four oh nine, oh my worried mind
Split the two apart
Reverse them, they're still a part
Of the same sequence of
One winter, one summer
A pause after a start

Oh four oh nine, she's waiting for the day
He'll come with no delay
Ready to play the final card
keeping one soul off heart

Oh Four Oh Nine

الخميس أيار 19, 2011 5:19 ص

Sorry but I just can't get it !! what's that 4/9 thingy :P
plz explain your sorrow in a simple way cuz :
Oh 4 Oh 9
my sun shall never shine
tomorrow will not be fine 2
instead of Pepsi,I'm drinking wine,,who
is not my favorite
so I'm not sticking to it :P
NOW that's a good rhyme for a real poem XD

bs 3njd the first 3 lines are perfect for  a doomed song
the melody is just passing through my veins Lady
Keep it True :)

Oh Four Oh Nine

السبت أيار 21, 2011 12:03 ص

First of all thanks for reading my poems *ورود

The numbers that you seee in this poems are to refer to a date

bs 3njd the first 3 lines are perfect for  a doomed song
the melody is just passing through my veins Lady
Keep it True

You are free to take any of my poems and to make it a song, I will be glad, but don't forget to send me a copy of the song you make  :wink:

p.s.: Nice signature

Oh Four Oh Nine

الأحد حزيران 05, 2011 5:46 م

hahahahahahahay I will I will send a link ..After the exams :P
p.s : this signature is taken from our upcoming song called " You are all I know ""
not You !! it was made for She :P
I'll post the lyrics here...After the exams 2 h3
my mind just can't share any kind of joy at this specific time :(
الموضوع مغلق