لكل من لديه ملكةَ البوح سواء بالانكليزية أم الفرنسية نفسح المجال لعرض مانكتب و تبادل الرأي و النقد البنّاء .
الموضوع مغلق

xjx-ori- Chicken - kdkj-qzdr

الخميس كانون الأول 17, 2009 3:28 ص

My keyboard is cool

I put cooler down

So it freezes

Shall It written quickly

After warming the letter

xjx-ori- Chicken - kdkj-qzdr

الخميس كانون الأول 17, 2009 3:32 ص

I listen to the streets' noise
to dance for my mind to wake up
but the AC still quiet
and the atmosphere is cold

rain out side falls
i underwear
so hot
windows open

i will send money

for the bank
account full of buxs

in bus i drink

in street i jump

xjx-ori- Chicken - kdkj-qzdr

السبت كانون الأول 19, 2009 4:55 ص

sir Kasem   *1
I appreciate all what u write in any section here *1
but I cannot categorize this piece of writing in any literary style   :roll:
maybe u didn't catch the target of this section :roll:  ...  it's not to express ur feelings freely as it might be understood from the section's name   :wink:
but as the name of this group of sections indicates :arrow:  that it's for the literary creativity 8)  ...  to write in any literary kind "verse, story ,novel, essays and so on" by the members themselves *sla  

so these lovely *1  lines that u wrote could be written in a page in Say it in English (what's on your mind?) or in the café 8)  

I hope  *1  in this section to read the members' own writings and we can discuss here the meanings he/she needs to convey, the form, and figures of speech and so on
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الموضوع مغلق