لكل من لديه ملكةَ البوح سواء بالانكليزية أم الفرنسية نفسح المجال لعرض مانكتب و تبادل الرأي و النقد البنّاء .
الموضوع مغلق

Chosen lines from my words

الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 2:56 ص

From : Men Create What Women Hate
Who dares to expose while million tongues will curse the deeds and the actions of this reliever. He can divulge about himself that his self cannot do even in dreams or in long deep meditations. How many secrets every one of us hide under realms of fear and dismay, how many observers cannot catch the reality of our deep consciences and how many brave-hearted can evade from his own truth? Incalculable is the answers and the numbers are naught if the result is not be brought by our story which involved an elaboration events about a goat not an evil but in our eyes is like a devil. She is not a goat but she is opposite of this creature. How piteous and distressful end, so any naïve or normal person can perceive her countenance in which agony incidents and dismally memories take place, an innocent face that an angel cannot even own, a wan visage that no bereaved mother even can bear, in spite of these epithets that appear in this woeful creature, she has a forward ambition for thrive. She is similar to those who have tendency to reconcile between tow conflicted sides, she has an inward desires to reconcile between her good-hearted side being beguiled and her knavery that inherited from womanhood nature. This reconciling takes place in the world of neutrality where no reality and fantasy nor.
آخر تعديل بواسطة قاسم عيسى في الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 3:07 ص، عدل 1 مرة

Chosen lines from my words

الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 3:01 ص

Sarah's sentiment slipped, she dragged herself to follow it, David demanded "stay", Sarah aside "I want to dream of him, by and by I have to be in Bethlehem", to David "a thousand times good-night"

From : Men Create What Women Hate
آخر تعديل بواسطة قاسم عيسى في الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 3:08 ص، عدل 1 مرة

Chosen lines from my words

الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 3:05 ص

In the next couple days, finally Admirah appeared at school. Fadi felt deep emptiness in the week passed being without Admirah; not only Fadi but also the teacher and some pupils. "Welcome back," Fadi said in relief but with great surprise, the surprise which he waited for to happen so much time, "we miss you so much Admirah," he said that with blushed cheeks, "how are you?" he asked finally. "Hey I am great this morning, and I missed you so much." Replied Admirah with jovial tone attached with a gentle smile on the face. The ring tolled announced for the students to be in rows to get ready to get into their classes.

From: Death Cult Armageddon

Chosen lines from my words

الأربعاء كانون الأول 16, 2009 3:11 ص

From: The Kiss of Babylon II

The sedan looked in Adorah's eyes like a dove, Adorah stepped near the car. What the hell is that!!!! Adorah stunned, due to the sight her eyes beheld, she saw a crying-22-year-old girl, but wherefore? Adorah was speechless, she could not control herself, she walked slowing, in fact she was afraid, but the sound from the sedan was driving her into peace and questions, she finally could reach out the window, the girl inside was outside this world, crying, listening, and crying. "Excuse me," Adorah whispered in Dutch, "are you okay?" The girl span toward the woman's voice, she saw herself in the mirror! Is Adorah's face a mirror? Adorah beckoned as if asking again but now without silently. The weeping-joyful girl dried her eyes by her sleeves quickly and in embarrassment. "I am okay," she said intermittently because of her longtime crying. "sorry I am crying because I am happy, stupid," she looked up into Adorah, smiling, "I am stupid am I not?" Adorah smiled gently but she was still under the effects of the sound which was coming from inside the sedan, "Yeah." She stood silent and immovable. These sad-happy-alone girls kept up speechless, neither enabled to talk more to one another. Humanity played the role in this situation, when all conditions are but nothing to what would happen next, after that unlimited silence, yeah to be humane human, was the only way to communicate, while fanaticism was the way to devastate the human beings with no  hope for restoration. These two girls' way was humane, Adorah and her new friend exemplified the rare philanthropists on this earth.
الموضوع مغلق