لكل من لديه ملكةَ البوح سواء بالانكليزية أم الفرنسية نفسح المجال لعرض مانكتب و تبادل الرأي و النقد البنّاء .
الموضوع مغلق

Past is Past

السبت تموز 18, 2009 3:29 م

عذراً, يجب أن تسجل من هنا لترى الرابط إذا كنت عضواً, فقط قم بتسجيل الدخول

You migrated my rare heart and soul
But you are invading my active memory
You bequeathed it a big cruel haul
So it becomes not sad and not merry
Do you regard my feeling as dead as a doll?
And you injured my memory without being sorry?

You started with me with your soft words?
But then you became fond of your invented odds
I think we were too close to each other
So we slotted the heavy rocks by our little fords
But you made these fords go separated shores
And your crazy ideas were more harmful as swords

I feel that sentimentality mocks at us now
Because we ignored frankness and dashed it out
Our near houses became like struggling towns
And you still have nothing but craziness and shouts
One day you will see your tongue as a rusty saw
When your loving misled people will run out

Everybody may commit many faults
Unfortunately, you were my fault
But these faults are teachers
And we are still running like the colts
And we are still enough strong against bolts
But I and you are in love with our thoughts

My memory likes the time in which we started
But it is obliged to forget you at last
And it is not happy because you parted it
But we can solve our problem and cast
Remember that I confessed and talked
And remember always that past is past
آخر تعديل بواسطة Safwat في السبت تموز 18, 2009 10:51 م، عدل 1 مرة

Past is Past

السبت تموز 18, 2009 7:15 م

You migrated my rare heart and soul
But you are invading my active memory
You bequeathed it a big cruel haul
So it becomes not sad and not merry
Do you regard my feeling as dead as a doll?
And you injured my memory without being sorry?

when i was a child my mother told me that angel in the sky,but this is wrong ,because if angel in the sky,what are you doing here

Past is Past

السبت تموز 18, 2009 8:10 م

Safwat,  Good for you to write in English  :wink:

Past is Past

السبت تموز 18, 2009 11:19 م

sleman alhasan,  
when i was a child my mother told me that angel in the sky,but this is wrong ,because if angel in the sky,what are you doing here

having fun
:oops:  :oops:  :oops:

nice to see you here  *1

Past is Past

الأحد تموز 19, 2009 12:17 ص

A very nice poem Safwat ... It`s so interesting .I like your English songs and waiting for more *ورود  *ورود

Past is Past

الأحد تموز 19, 2009 1:03 ص

Mon Dieu , elle est tres belle.
je sens que tu est tres fatigue et tresst

Past is Past

الأربعاء تموز 22, 2009 12:33 م

[b]عمار السرحان

Past is Past

الاثنين تموز 27, 2009 12:58 ص

Everybody may commit many faults
Unfortunately, you were my fault
But these faults are teachers
And we are still running like the colts
And we are still enough strong against bolts
But I and you are in love with our thoughts

*1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1
يا أخي بالعربي ما بينشبع من قصائدك
قريتها اكتر من مرة
بكل صدق رائعة بكلماتها وبوقعها على القلب قبل النظر
my God bless you

Past is Past

الجمعة تشرين الأول 23, 2009 9:57 م

sleman alhasan,  
thank you
الموضوع مغلق