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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Mer Juil 16, 2008 7:05 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

Speech organs

The pharynx is a tube which begins above the larynx.  

The velum or soft palate is, most of the time, raised so that the airflow cannot escape thru the nose.  It can be touched by the tongue. When we make k and g , the back of the tongue is in contact with the lower side of the velum, and we call these velar consonants.

The hard palate is often called "the roof of the mouth" . We feel its smooth curved surface with our tongues.

The alveolar ridge is immediadely behind the upper front teeth. Its surface is rough and is covered with little ridges.  When the tip of the tongue touches it, alveolar sounds such as ( t- d ) are produced.

The tongue can be moved into many different places and different shapes.  The parts of the tongue are : tip, blade, center, back and root.

The teeth ( lower and upper ) . When the tip of the tongue  is in contact with the upper teeth dental sounds are made.

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Mer Juil 16, 2008 7:12 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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The lips

They are ver important in producing so many sounds.  When they are pressed together, bilabial consonants are produced ( p- b). When the lowe lip is in gentle contact with the upper teeth , labiodentals are made ( f - v )

All the articulators mentioned above  are the main ones used in producing speech sounds, but other organs are to be described such as : the jaws, the larynx , which contains the vocal cords and the nose which helps us produce nasal sounds ( m- n )

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Jeu Juil 17, 2008 12:28 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::


As we said last time, vowels are sounds whose production does not require any blockage of the airstream in the vocal tract. Now how do we classify them? Vowels are claasified according to three criteria:

1. The height of the tongue

2. The backness and frontness of the tongue

3. The shape of the lips

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 7:18 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

The lips can have many different shapes and positions:

1. Rounded: ( this is clearly seen in U:)

2.  Spread: (this is clearly seen in i: )

3.  Neutral, where the lips are neither rounded nor spread.

The cardinal vowels are a standard  reference system, and people being trained in phonetics have to recognize them correctly and accurately.
Close means high in the sense that the front part orthe back part of the tongue goes high a little bit towards the palate  

Open means low in the sense that the front or the back part of the tongue goes down a little bit.

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

Dernière édition par أ. مسلم قمباز le Lun Juil 21, 2008 8:38 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Dim Juil 20, 2008 9:47 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

i: is a close  front vowel.

u: is a close back vowel.

ae is an open front vowel.

a: is an open back vowel.

We said last time that close means high in the sense that the front part of the tongue goes high a little bit towards the palate. This is seen in  i: .e.g: meet / heat / beat...etc. In a: the back part of the tongue goes down a liitle bit . e.g: father / car

Vowels are of two types. There are short vowels and long vowels. The short vowels are I-e-ae-a- u

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Lun Juil 21, 2008 8:36 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

I    example words bit  hit . This vowel is in the close front area. The lips are slightly spread

e   example words bed men. It is a front vowel. It is exactly between a close-mid and an open- mid vowel.

close -mid= half high --open-mid=half low  i mean the tongue height in the mouth.

ae   example words cat  man.  It is a front open vowel . The lips are slightly spread.

When I say front I mean that the front part of the tongue is invovled in the production of this vowel. When I say open I mean that the tongue goes down a little bit. In producing the long i: the front part of the tongue goes up. Produce long i: i:i:followed immediately by ae ae ae ae ae

    example words but cut .  It is a central vowel. the lips are neutral.

D   example words  pot  cross.  it is a back vowel . The lips are slightly rounded . It is exactlybetween open-mid and open in tongue height.

u    example words put  pull.  It is a back vowel . It is more open (lower) and nearer to the centre of the tongue than the long u:

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Dim Juil 27, 2008 1:01 am 
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آرتيني فعّال
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thank you for this topic...really helpful for the first and second year students...thnx *Hi  *1

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Mar Juil 29, 2008 9:23 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

Long vowels

i:as in mean beat . It is more close and front than the vowel in bit and hit . The lips are spread.

a: as in card and pass . It is a back open vowel. The lip position is neutral

u: as in soon and food . It is a back close vowel. The lips are moderately rounded.

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Mar Août 19, 2008 4:31 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Inscrit le: 03 Juillet 2008
Sujets: 69
Messages: 487
Localisation: حماة
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
Année: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::


Sounds which consist of a movement or a glide from one vowel to another are called diphthongs. Normally , the first part of the diphthong is much longer and stronger than the second part.  English has 8 diphthongs.  There are two types of diphthongs: centring diphthongs and closing diphthongs.

Centring diphthongs glide towards the schwa vowel. The schwa is a central vowel. the dipthongs in inthe following words chair, here, poor are centring dipthongs. The closing diphthongs end with a glide towards a close vowel, namely I-U . I - U are close vowels. eI is a closing dipthong.

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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  • Sujet du message: Focus on Phonetics
Publié: Mar Déc 16, 2008 10:56 pm 
آرتيني جديد
آرتيني جديد
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Inscrit le: 16 Décembre 2008
Messages: 5
Section: اللغة الانكليزية
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thanks very much for the information

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