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Another Inquiry
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الكاتب:  ameen joumaa [ الخميس كانون الثاني 12, 2012 11:48 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Another Inquiry

Thanx Reham 4 ur interest. I just wanna know exactly when did u start attending, and when did the doctors start SERIOUSLY to check for attendance in order to know how to handle such a miserable dilemma ,with the doctors, I am having cuz I can't attend regularly due to very hard circumstances. I'm waiting fo ur soon reply. Bye :?:

الكاتب:  reham.katmah [ السبت كانون الثاني 14, 2012 9:53 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Another Inquiry

well, im having the same proplem and i dont know what to do...for the attendence,they have been checking it for 3meetings each now and tomorrow will start the forth.however, dr.samar zihrawy has been checking attendence for 5 times....please if u have any solution would try to help me to figure out how to get through this year...

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