آرتين لتعليم اللغات

Subconscious vs Conscious Learning
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Author:  حلواني [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

Languages should be learned subconsciously, not consciously.   The research shows that subconscious learning of English is much better than consciously “studying” the language.

In countless studies, the result is always the same:   students who learn English subconsciously learn faster and better than students who use traditional, conscious, analytical study methods.

So, what exactly are subconscious methods and what are the traditional conscious methods?

Well, you already know the old conscious way of learning English.   You use your conscious brain to analyze English grammar, memorize English vocabulary, and translate English messages.   This is the method you used in school.   You consciously studied the mechanics of English, as if it was a car.  You cut up English with your mind and then studied the parts…. word by word,…  rule by rule.

The result, as you know, is that you know a lot about English grammar rules and translations– but you can’t speak well and you can’t understand native speakers.

Subconscious methods are more effective.   These methods provide understandable English input to your brain… and then your subconscious brain does all of the rest of the work.    Consciously, all you do is enjoy English stories, articles, conversations, movies, and novels.   You never think about grammar rules.  You never attempt to memorize words.

Of course, the Effortless English System is a subconscious learning system.   You learn grammar by listening to our crazy Mini-Stories.  We carefully repeat grammar patterns during the story… but you don’t think about any rules.  You just listen and enjoy the story consciously…  but subconsciously, your brain learns English grammar.

When you learn in this way, you can actually use the grammar too!  Your spoken and written English grammar will improve tremendously.   And it will be stress free.  It will feel automatic– you’ll just say things better and write things better and it will feel effortless.  You won’t be thinking about rules at all!

You must trust yourself.  So many students are afraid to use subconscious methods because they don’t trust their own brains.  They are afraid to relax and enjoy English learning.   They are afraid to let the learning happen naturally and effortlessly.  Unfortunately, these fearful students almost never learn to speak English well.

Don’t be one of those students.   Change your way of learning.  Learn English subconsciously and finally speak excellent English!

Author:  زمردة [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

*good  *good
Thank you very much indeed a very important topic.

Well, I think subconscious way of learning should be used from the very beginning of learning any new language and that works properly with little kids. Kids can learn up to 5 languages easier and better than adults. When kids start to speak their first words they get their "mother tounge" subconsciously; they know nothing about grammar, nothing about the correct sentence structure so when they get bigger they learn all about that in schools consciously.
As adults, we can use subconscious way by exposing to language everyday by listening ,for example, and it is not necessary to be all ears while listining. Exposing to language everyday is enough to learn it naturally. Then after a while we find out that our understanding is better than before and our skills have improved a lot. We should be patient and trust ourselves!

I really love to hear the others' point of veiw and discuss about this topic  :wink:

Sticky *1

Author:  حلواني [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

Thank you Abeer for your (participation) and for (sticking) my topic

Author:  زمردة [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

Well, what I really love to hear is your opinion and of course the others' point of veiw about this important topic by enriching it with new ideas or even discuss the mentioned points. In this respect, "Thank you" word here is not enough.  :wink:

Author:  حلواني [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

I know but (I) do not have that (ability) to write in English becuase I think I have some mistakes

Author:  زمردة [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

Well, I'm afraid to say that isn't a real excuse :roll: You and most of Artinians are English literature and translation students. However, most members avoid participating in "Say It in English" because they are afraid of committing mistakes  :roll: but believe me it is an illusion a big one indeed!! We are here to learn from our own mistakes and help each other to correct such mistakes. You'll not lose marks at all here.

To stick to the main idea of this topic I'd like to add that writing is one of the main ways to improve our language and it works on both our subconscious and conscious way of learning the language.

Well, you might ask me how?
First, try to write consciously as you are a student of English; pay attention to the grammar and the language structure, however, you may commit grammatical or spelling mistakes. Do not worry about that it is normal.You have to be patient!  :wink:
After practicing writing almost everyday you'll find that you start writing in English correctly and naturally. That means you reach the subconscious stage because writing wil become a normal activity like writing in Arabic, your mother tongue. You know, "Practice makes Perfect"  :wink:

Do not forget "Reading" is essenial, too .

So relax, and enjoy using your English!!

You see, we should keep in mind which way we have to follow according to the age and the situation.

Good Luck

Author:  حلواني [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Subconscious vs Conscious Learning

Thanks Abeer, I have to write in English and I'll do my best

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