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Stories From Our Childhood
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Author:  حلواني [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

Hiiiiiiiii alll
I'll tell you my fancy Childhood story but from the beginning if you find (any) spelling or grammatical mistakes forgive me because till now and I am a third year student. Frankly students (commit such) mistakes .Anyway, when I was a child I ^ loved  cats but not all of its kinds just those which have white (fur)..
Once upon a time, when I was playing in the street I saw a nice cat that has blue eyes and long (fur), I followed her till I (caught) and brought her to the bathroom just to bathe her because I heard my mom says " All the cats that live in the street are not clean" and because I was a child I did not understand the hidden meaning :mrgreen:  I took her to the bathtub and the cat began to (say) ( meeeo meeeeeeeeeeo :mrgreen: ) I thought she loved the shower :D after the shower, the (the fur of the cat)became like SPAEKI  style :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  and she started to cough :mrgreen:  .After that, I put  some spices in the milk that the cat drunk, her eyes became red  and began to say meoooooooooomeooooooo, my mom saw her and threw her from the balcony (the 4th one) and the cat did not die from that threw but when she arrived to the ground and passed the street a huge car (crashed her and the cat was dead). I began to cry then I brought her and make a funeral to the cat.

Author:  قاسم عيسى [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood


Another murder by humanity against animals.

Nice sad story my brother, I see how good child you were  *good

Regarding your mistakes, do not worry, your writing is great.

Author:  قاسم عيسى [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

Two stories of Birds' Funerals:

Well I will begin from the strange one, Hilwani reminds me of funerals of animal.
Our storey was the fifth in a huge tower, I used to watch from our balcony, cars, people, and everything, even birds. One winter shinny day, I was watching without boredom the atmosphere of homs city morning, I did not know how my eyes caught a bird flying from far away, and I kept watching him, until, oh until he died. How! He accidentally hit one of the five cables of electricity which are hanged on high columns in every street in Syria. Yeah his flight speed was so speedy that is why he hit before re-direct himself from death. He falls down, I saw him falling. I still remember it was almost nine or ten o'clock. I was maybe seven years old, I took permission from mama, to go down the street, I went to the point where the bird fall, I hold him peacefully, and take it to the place where, soil is there, and buried him, then I read (Al Fateha) and I leave silently sad.

The other story is different, in events but same result, we had female and male love-bird, in one cage. I remember they were yellow, and male has a brown (tarboush) on his head,  unknown reasons were beyond the death of the wife, my mother was the first who saw her dead in the cage. Sad I became when I knew, and really was more sad when I saw the male bird is alone, singing nothing. I did not know that the next day will witness the same news. I woke up in the morning to see the male is dead. He did not drink nor eat, he commit suicide because his beloved has gone and left him alone. I wondered why! Also animals have same feelings like us. In that morning I decided to bury them both. Actually this happened in summer.

Author:  Nawal8q [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

قاسم عيسى,  
I donot like to correct, but this time I laugh, you write pleading, which means an action in the court to make defense, but you meant bleeding.

I laugh  

The point from this topic -or 90% of it- is to make others laugh. :mrgreen:
At least it's a normal word not a Quranic Verse. :wink:  :wink:
Thanks for correcting. 8)

Author:  Nawal8q [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

I wondered why! Also animals have same feelings like us

No, more than us....much, much more.

Author:  Lina [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

حلواني,   قاسم عيسى,  
those are really sad stories..I feel very sad when I see a dead animal and I also have a story with a bird but I can't help telling it in a funny way :mrgreen:

The Super Girl 8)
There was a kind of strings stuck in the brazier of our neighbours'  house..I mean some kind of  spiny strings on the external wall of our neighbour's..I was entering the house when I noticed a dead bird stuck in the strings..I felt very sorry for it that day :( ..After a week maybe,I was going home when I saw another  bird that was still alive and struggling to free itself from the strings..the super girl(that's me) 8)  :mrgreen:  went quickly inside the house and brought a ladder..A long one :mrgreen: ..and I brought  also a scissor to cut the strings 8) ..that bird tried to attack me so I was obliged to fix it to the wall in order to cut the strings..But,when I cut the strings and left the bird to fly..It flew towards my face   :shock: and I stepped back subconsciously.. :shock: and the super heroine fell from the high ladder :mrgreen: ..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….CRACK..OOOOUCH… :mrgreen: and I was on the ground like a cat :mrgreen: ..I didn't believe nothing happened to me :|  :mrgreen: ..the ladder was so high but I was OK..maybe that's because I did something good at that day.. :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  8)

Author:  عاشقة العربية [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

Really it's a beautiful topic *1
I laughed so much when I read these stories , specially the stories  Alaa , Abeer and Lina's stories.
When Qasim called these stories: crimes , actually he was true :mrgreen: because we were really as he said  , and his idea to put a title to the story was really good because it gives us a summary and attracts us to read the story
Let me tell u my crime :mrgreen: I'll name it : My Buggy *sla

When I was ten years old , I found my baby-buggy when I was a little baby. I was very happy to find it . I put my doll in it and started playing innocently *sla  .My younger sister was jealous of me , and tried to take the baby-buggy  , I refused  that  :evil:  because it's mine *hh .
Her brain couldn't stand that :mrgreen: , therefore , she took it and started pulling , attracting and pushing , we spent a lot of time in this situation, so I decided to take my revenge :mrgreen: .
When we arrived to the peak of our fighting :mrgreen: I started to deal seriously with her, so I left  the buggy deliberately in order to make her fall , as a result her head crashed into the wall edge which was very sharp then she fell down  :?  and started bleeding .I took the buggy and went away in cold blood :mrgreen: .
My uncle and his wife were present and they witnessed everything , but my uncle's wife was shocked to the extent that she lost her consciousness :| for watching such a crime  :mrgreen:  , then my uncle took my sister to hospital .When they came back , they censured us , and we promised them to be more calm *sla .

Author:  Lina [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

what are you doing here :?
don't you have sections to watch??  *hh
English studennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnts  we have an intruder heeeeeeeeeeeere *hh

:mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
19898487389473 welcome to my sweetheart Haddoni
I liked your story ..we can call it ( result of jealousy) :mrgreen:  
I didn't know you are such a cruel criminal *ممم  
I will be careful the next time I talk to you :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

*1  *ورود  *1  *ورود

Author:  زمردة [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood

What a story teller you are!! You are a comedy story teller  :mrgreen:  

Nawal8q,   *1
Waiting for more stories from your childhood sweety  :wink:

Safa alaasi,  
Watch for my new story  

Coming soon …

We are still waiting for your story  *1

قاسم عيسى,  
The Cat and my cousin:

You are the cruelest criminal among us  :shock:   *خوف

maybe that's why I'm called a weird person  
My mamma always tells me that that accident affected my mind

I think that your mum is right  :mrgreen:
Thanks a lot for joining us. Waiting for happy-end stories  *sla

قاسم عيسى,  
Two stories of Birds' Funerals:

Oh, really impressive and sad ones  :(

What a criminal you are!  :mrgreen:  I'm very happy to see your participation in this topic  *1

Well, now I'm going to tell you a situation in which you discover that Abeer was a stubborn kid  :P

Once when I was about 3 years old my grandma called me "O Queen come on" :D  I said "I'm not a Queen I'm Abeer *hh" then she called me "O princess" I replied angrily "Do not call me so I'm Abeeer" :evil: She tried so many cute names "Flower, lovely girl...etc" but I was insisting that my name was only Abeer"  *sla and I did not accept any other name but Abeer  :mrgreen:  
It seems that my mind at that time could not realise that they were good names not bad ones  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Author:  Safa alaasi [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Stories From Our Childhood


      It seams like yesterday ; I was in the sixth grade when I participated in a school activity  ; I was chosen by my Arabic teacher to play the major role in a kind of diminutive play , and it was a masculine role !  , but there is always a competitor in things we like to do ; It was a tall and dark skin girl with mannish facial appearance . Actually, she was more convincing to do such role due to only her angular features .

        After few days of  choosing me to do that role I got very sick , and I was absent for two days  .Although I was completely ill , I came to school because there was only two days for the show . I went directly to the workout room ; I entered the room to be shocked to see my competitor playing my own role , I looked to my teacher reproachfully , she immediately started to justify her action and said '' we heard that you are very sick '' . I knew that my teacher prefers me and believes of what I can do ; I looked to her,  I could barely speak , and I said '' trust me I can do it '', so  she couldn't do anything  but to say yes .

       After that , the day of the show came ; I woke up that day , and my voice was wholly disappeared , my mother prepared some hot milk for me and prayed God to make me succeed in that day ; I went to school ; I dressed up the character clothes ; my teacher drew a mustache on my face meanwhile I was sweating because of my high temperature ; she looked to my eyes and said "I trusted you , and I know that you will do it '' , then the show started , and I was really astonished that my voice came out again !!! that I said all my sentences  remarkably . Luckily , my voice was more convincing that it looked more masculine because of the rattle sound that appears with my voice because of my sore throat , and my performance was great ; every one thanked me for my efforts .

    Then my mother came to school and asked the management of the school to take me home cause I was sick  , they told her that I can never be sick after such great performance that day , so she knew that I did well and was proud of me .

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