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الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!
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الكاتب:  Mazen Aloush [ الثلاثاء كانون الأول 09, 2008 3:43 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

شكرا كتير لألك عالمقابلة
والدكتور مؤيد بالفعل رقم واحد بالجامعة
أنا كتير بحترمو وهوي عندي الأفضل
شكرا كتير مرة تانية
*good  *good  *good  *good  *good

الكاتب:  Tami [ الأربعاء كانون الأول 10, 2008 1:38 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

Many thanks to the great doctor, Dr. Muayad, for this great interview...God bless you our doctor...you gave us very big hope to be better in the English language. *ورود

Thanks a lot to everyone worked in order to make this successful interview...


الكاتب:  لجين [ الجمعة كانون الأول 26, 2008 2:46 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

Thank you D.Moayyad... May Allah bless you

الكاتب:  paradise [ الأربعاء نيسان 08, 2009 9:46 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

thanks for this amazing interview although i do not know doctor Moyyed but i appreciate him alot
i also appreciate his wife Mrs Jenan who teaches me in Hama i love her alot because she is very very very very kind nice and lovely :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

الكاتب:  Honeymooner [ الأربعاء أيار 06, 2009 9:38 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

This is the best interview I have ever read on this site. I am extremely happy that we have this professor who seems to speak very good English. I do hope our Syrian DOCTORS follow suit and run their interviews in English so that we put them on an equal footing with their peer colleagues such as Dr. Mouyad. I would also like to laud the efforts made by those who ran the interview and those who typed it. You guys did a great job!! May God bless you all!

الكاتب:  Shara [ الأربعاء أيار 06, 2009 10:52 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

Thanks for this interview, but I really do not know what is so special about this doctor!! Or is it always with us that "the grass is greener over the fence""?? We always have this very mean habit to praise strangers at the expense of our own. I respect this doctor as much as I respect all our doctors who are doing their very best to help us with their great information, experience and, of course, excellent English. I really do not see that it is our place to judge any of them in this horrid way!! Or is it just because Dr Muayyad gives high marks to everyone almost indiscriminately?? Actually, I think this is the reason..

الكاتب:  Honeymooner [ الخميس أيار 07, 2009 12:05 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

Shara, thank you very much for this guided comment. However, I do think that the truth is painful and that life is really stranger than fiction. But it is our job to give credit where credit is due. As for our poor teachers, I don't see eye to eye with you. They are just too full of themselves, and they hold a superior attitude to us, students, whereas this Arab teacher gives us all a fair deal in a very modest way. Easy my colleague or you will have some health problems for your overanxiety and oversensitivity!!!Shara, I think it is mean to make false accusations and say that Dr. Mouayed gives high marks indiscriminately. What do you think? Who are you to make these blind and ungrounded allegations? I know that some years ago you had a heart attack, but then you miraculously you weathered the storm. Please practice what you preach or you will be a hypocrite. !!!

الكاتب:  Shara [ السبت أيار 09, 2009 12:26 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

"honeymooner", thanks for the reply. It is a very honest reflection of how open minded a person you are!! And I am not very surprised. I am sorry for you that you cannot see both sides of the story and you are unable to face the truth yourself. You do not want to admit how awful most students are, please pay attention here to the word "most" because I very much doubt that you read properly. I pity doctors for having to put up with some very sloppy individuals who come to just moan, criticise and sometimes show their rudeness to everyone. Thank you for your care about my health which I assure you is perfectly OK. Enjoy your "honeymoon" and stay there, do not come the real world. Cheers...

الكاتب:  فارس [ السبت أيار 09, 2009 12:49 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

Honeymooner,   Shara,  

Any further discussion will be deleted !

This topic is for the interview with the doctor , you can discuss any other cases of our universities in this section

عذراً, يجب أن تسجل من هنا لترى الرابط إذا كنت عضواً, فقط قم بتسجيل الدخول

Or you can replay here on the main topic only not on each other

good luck  *1

الكاتب:  Honeymooner [ السبت أيار 09, 2009 10:25 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  الدكتور مؤيد ججو يتحدث إلى موقع آرتين !!

I am sorry Fares if there was anything wrong with my comment, but as you can see Mr/Ms Shara wants to make false accusations, and doesn't want anyone to face him/her with self-evident rules about the danger of these allegations. Do you think that Doctor Mouayed gives marks to students without truly correcting their exam sheets? I mean if the topic was one of the Syrian teachers like Hilmi, Wassef Janseez or anyone else, would he/she make the same accusations? I don't think so. So why should we always blame it on most studnets? This whole mess is because we expressed our admiration for this English intevriew which was amazingly run by our English students with this wonderful teacher who refused to be interviewed but in English. From all the interviews you have had so far this one is the only successful interview not by my standards alone but by the standards of all students who are very hungry for English interviews with our English teachers. If my comment opens Pandora's box, then I am completely wrong and so are "most" students!!!

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