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  ... آرتين ...   » لابدّ أن أستأذن الوطن .... نزار قباني *  .:. آخر رد: محمدابو حمود  .:.  الردود: 4   ... آرتين ...   » لا يصلح العطار ما افسدة الدهر  .:. آخر رد: محمد الربيعي  .:.  الردود: 2   ... آرتين ...   » مناقشة كتاب"Translation with Reference to English & Arabic"  .:. آخر رد: Jordan  .:.  الردود: 124   ... آرتين ...   » المعرب و الدخيل و المولد ... تتمة  .:. آخر رد: aaahhhmad  .:.  الردود: 6   ... آرتين ...   » تحميل ملف  .:. آخر رد: مصطفى العلي  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » The Best Short Stories of J.G. bialard The Terminal Beach  .:. آخر رد: المرعاش  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » هام للطلاب الي بيواجهوا صعوبه بمادة الصوتيا  .:. آخر رد: bassam93  .:.  الردود: 16   ... آرتين ...   » مساعدة مشروع تخرج عن تراجيديات شكسبير  .:. آخر رد: ahmadaway  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0

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قوانين المنتدى

- يمكنكم في أي وقت زيارة قسم مكتبة اللغة الإنجليزية لنشر أو تحميل الكتب أو البرامج المتعلقة بهذا القسم .

إرسال موضوع جديد الرد على الموضوع  [ 9 مشاركة ] 
الكاتب رسالة
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الثلاثاء تشرين الأول 28, 2008 3:23 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 22 شباط 2008
المواضيع: 29
المشاركات: 1074
السنة: رابعة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
Part 1.

1* “how does one go about abandoning the story one was told?”
    “by repeating it out loud in meticulous detail. And as we tell our story, we say goodbye to what we were and, as you’ll see if you try, we create space for a new, unknown world. We repeat the old story over and over until it is no longer important to us.”

2* I remember reading something similar on the internet; it was attributed to me, although I didn’t write it:
  “that is why it is so important to let certain things go. To release them. To cut loose. People need to understand that no one is playing with marked cards; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don’t expect to get anything back, don’t expect recognition for your efforts, don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle. Not out of bride, inability to arrogance, but simply because whatever it is no longer fits in your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, get rid of the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are.”

3* “Sometimes people suspect that Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland in order to describe his own experiences of epilepsy. The story at the beginning of the book when Alice falls down a black hole, in an experience familiar to most epileptics. During her journey through Wonderland, Alice often sees things flying and she herself feels very light- another very precise description of the effects of an epileptic attack.”

4* “A writer can only write about his own life.”

5* “Do any of you take drugs?”
  “ Some, but mainly it’s only alcohol. Not much at all, in fact, it’s not our style. Drugs are more for people of your generation, aren’t they? My mother, for example, drugs herself on cooking for the family, compulsively tiding the house, and suffering over me, when something goes wrong with my dad’s business she suffers. Can you believe that? She suffers over me, my father, my brothers and sisters, everything. I was wasting so much energy pretending to be happy all the time, I thought it was best just to leave home.”

6* Yes, it had disappeared, but now I realized that The Zahir was more than a man obsessed with an object, with a vein in the marble of one of the twelve hundred columns in the mosque in Cordoba, as Borges puts it, or, as in my whole painful case for the last two years, with a woman in central Asia. The Zahir was a fixation on everything that had been passed from generation to generation; it left no question unanswered, it look up all the space; it never allowed us even to consider the possibility that things could change.
The all-powerful Zahir seemed to be born with every human beings and to gain full strength in childhood, imposing rules that would thereafter always be respected: people who are different are dangerous; they belong to another tribe; they want our lands and women.
We must marry, have children, reproduce species. Love is only a small thing, enough for one person, and any suggestion that the heart might be larger than this is considered perverse.
When we marry, we are authorized to take possession of the other person, body and soul.

7* “ If you behave differently, you will be expelled from the tribe because you could infect others and destroy something that was extremely difficult to organize at the first place.”


Fill my fond heart with God alone, for he
Alone can rival, can succeed to thee.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الثلاثاء تشرين الأول 28, 2008 4:48 م 
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 17 كانون الأول 2007
المواضيع: 60
المشاركات: 1898
المكان: Britain
القسم: Literature, Film, and Theatre
السنة: MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: ذكر ::

غير متصل
Nawal8q كتب:
Complete the circle

We must complete the circle, it is our destiny.
Nawal8q كتب:
Stop being who you were and become who you are

It is a very nice quote, but I really do NOT know if I can stop old Odysseus and start with new personality . .

Nawal, they're very nice quotes, thanx *1  *1

"We are the choices we have made."

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الأربعاء تشرين الأول 29, 2008 1:18 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 22 شباط 2008
المواضيع: 29
المشاركات: 1074
السنة: رابعة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
Nawal, they're very nice quotes, thanx

Thanks to you too.... *ورود


Fill my fond heart with God alone, for he
Alone can rival, can succeed to thee.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الأربعاء تشرين الأول 29, 2008 1:20 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 22 شباط 2008
المواضيع: 29
المشاركات: 1074
السنة: رابعة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
but I really do NOT know if I can stop old Odysseus and start with new personality

Well, you are not asked to do so, this quote is for those who still attached to the past , to a love that will never be shared, to some very close person who died....this is for those who dream and not atchieve a thing.....is it clear ?? :wink:


Fill my fond heart with God alone, for he
Alone can rival, can succeed to thee.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الأربعاء تشرين الأول 29, 2008 3:09 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 15 نيسان 2007
المواضيع: 68
المشاركات: 4580
المكان: حماه
القسم: E
السنة: ماستر/ELT...
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
Love is only a small thing, enough for one person, and any suggestion that the heart might be larger than this is considered perverse.
When we marry, we are authorized to take possession of the other person, body and soul.

*ممم  thats true...

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.
Nelson Mandela

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الجمعة تشرين الأول 31, 2008 2:48 ص 
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 17 كانون الأول 2007
المواضيع: 60
المشاركات: 1898
المكان: Britain
القسم: Literature, Film, and Theatre
السنة: MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: ذكر ::

غير متصل
Nawal8q كتب:
is it clear ??

mmmmmm, in fact,  *ممم  *ممم  yes it is


"We are the choices we have made."

آخر تعديل بواسطة Odysseus في الجمعة تشرين الأول 31, 2008 2:51 ص، عدل 1 مرة

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الجمعة تشرين الأول 31, 2008 8:35 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 22 شباط 2008
المواضيع: 29
المشاركات: 1074
السنة: رابعة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
Wait for Part 2....


Fill my fond heart with God alone, for he
Alone can rival, can succeed to thee.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الجمعة تشرين الأول 31, 2008 9:01 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 22 شباط 2008
المواضيع: 29
المشاركات: 1074
السنة: رابعة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
Part 2.
8*All that will disappear, what remains will be the love that moves the heavens, the stars, people, flowers, insects, the love that obliges us to walk across the ice despite the danger, that fills us with joy and with fear, and gives meaning to everything.

9* We were born into a time of revolt. We pour all out enthusiasm into it, we risk our lives and our youth, and suddenly, we feel afraid, and that initial joy gives way to the real challenge: weariness, monotony, doubts about our own abilities. We notice that some of our friends have already given up. We are obliged to confront loneliness to cope with sharp bends in the road, to suffer a few with no one near to help us, and we end up asking ourselves if it’s worth all that effort.
It is. And we will carry on, knowing that our soul ever though it is eternal, is, at this moment, caught in the web of time, with all its apportunities and limitations. We will as far as possible, free ourselves from the web. When this proves impossible and we return to the story we were told, we will, nevertheless, remember our battles and be ready to resume the struggle as soon as the conditions are right. Amen.”

10* ‘Well, it’s been in existence since the beginning of civilization, but it was only officially set down in 1933 by a Danish writer. In the small town of Jante, the power-that-be came up with ten commandments telling  people how they should behave, and it seems to exist not only in Jante, but everywhere else too. If I had to sum it up on one sentence, I’d say: “Mediocrity and anonymity are the safest choice. If you opt for them, you will face no problems in life. But if you try to be different…”
‘I’d like to know what these Jante commandments are,’ said the journalist who seemed genuinely interested.
“You are nobody, never even dare to think that you know more than we do. You are of no importance, you can do nothing right, your work is of no significance, but as you never challenge us, you will live a happy life. Always take what we say seriously and never laugh at our opinions.”

11* Focus on the cold, until you stop trembling. Let the cold fill your thoughts, until there’s no space for anything else, until it becomes your companion and your friend. Do not try to control it. Do not think about the sun, because you will know then that something else -heat- exists and then the cold will feel that it is not loved or desired.

12* Zahir, in Arabic, means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or madness

13* In hospital, love had spoken to me: “I’m everything, and I’m nothing. I am the wind, and I can not enter windows and doors that are shut.”
And I said to love: ‘But I’m open to you.”
And love said to me: “The wind is made of air. There’s air inside your house, but everything is shut up. The furniture will get covered in dust, the damp will ruin the paintings and stain the walls. You will continue to breathe, you will know a small part of me, but I’m not a part, I’m Everything, and you will never know that.”

14*“In the words of Persian sage: Love is a disease no one wants to get rid of. Those who catch it never try to get better, and those who suffer do not wish to be cured.”


Fill my fond heart with God alone, for he
Alone can rival, can succeed to thee.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة: Quotes from The Zahir by Paulo Coelho
مرسل: الثلاثاء تشرين الثاني 04, 2008 3:00 ص 
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
مشرف موسوعة الأدب الانجليزي
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 17 كانون الأول 2007
المواضيع: 60
المشاركات: 1898
المكان: Britain
القسم: Literature, Film, and Theatre
السنة: MA
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

:: ذكر ::

غير متصل

11* Focus on the cold, until you stop trembling. Let the cold fill your thoughts, until there’s no space for anything else, until it becomes your companion and your friend. Do not try to control it. Do not think about the sun, because you will know then that something else -heat- exists and then the cold will feel that it is not loved or desired.

It is nice, I liked it :wink:
Let the cold fill your thoughts, until there’s no space for anything else, until it becomes your companion and your friend.

*good  *good  *good  I do agree with this statement.
Cold could be "a very faithful friend" to us. Thank u again *1

"We are the choices we have made."

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
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