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تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )
صفحة 8 من 25

الكاتب:  Iris [ الاثنين أيلول 19, 2011 1:34 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

كيفك دكتور هيدي ترجمة نص الخبز انشالله تكون منيحةوياريت اذا يتقدري النص يعني بينجح وكيف الاسلوب.شكرا كتير *ورود
Bread is the king of Levant certainly. It is made of loving hands through generations .It satisfies the poor and the rich. Brown which has eastern qualities ne time ,it is ivory, mute and locked. Its ears are grown then it is made green and then made yellow  of thorny braided kernels  which ears' remaining  turn to  summery hay which sheep eat . Dainty  as the Levant tales, wealthy as oriental hearts ,heavy as worries of days ,necessary as oriental existence ,baked as fate ,cultural as minds and untoward as passion in Asia .It does not change his dress according to areas but according to areas which kernels have been sown, we have seen  the ears have grown and risen, thicken  or shorten ,then turn to bread of hardworking, bread kneads with dates , spices, olive or fruit with sugar .It twists between charming hands .The base is land which is water, spring and rain

الكاتب:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ الاثنين أيلول 19, 2011 3:45 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

و عليكم السلام و أهلا و سهلا فيكي و بتمنالك الفائدة

أهلا سوسن, ملاحظات على نصّك:
استخدام certainly  غلط لانو من الظروق اللي عادة تستخدم بعد الفعل: bread is certainly the king
made of loving hands  خطأ بالترجمة لانو هون صار المعنى انو المكون المصنوع منه الخبز هو الايدي و الصح: made by
Brown which has eastern qualities ne time  ما بصير تبدأي الجملة بهل الطريقة حتى لو النص العربي بيبدأ هيك لازم تنتبهي انو البلاغة بالنص العربي لا تترجم و القاعدة الأولى بالترجمة مهما كان نوعها هو الترجمة حسب اسلوب اللغة التي نترجم اليها.
locked  الافضل نلاقي كلمة غيرا لانو كلمة locked هون عطت معنى انو هو عبارة عن شيء داخل شيء مغلق
Its ears Its ears are  كلمة ears خطأ حاولي تبحثي بالقاموس عن الكلمة الصح
Its ears are grown then it is made green and then made yellow  
ما في داعي لتكرار كلمة made  

kernels  which ears' remaining  turn to  حاولي تغيري ضمير الوصل مثلا استخدمي the ears of which  بس طبعا غيري كلمة ears  لانو متل ما ذكرت غير صحيحة
turn to  summery hay   ما في داعي لكلمة summery
Dainty  as the Levant tales  لازم نبدأ الجملة بغير طريقة لانو هيك اسلوب عربي
as worries  بدل the قبل worries
untoward as passion in Asia  العبارة غير واضحة المعنى و ببدايتها لازم يكون في حرف عطف
does not change his dress  الضمير his غلط
areas which kern  لازم in which
we have seen  the ears have grown  احذفي have التانية
bread kneads with dates  لازم is kneaded

اذا اخدنا بالاعتبار صعوبة النص الأصلي و لغته الشعرية ترجمتك مقبولة بس اذا كان امتحان ما بينجح لانو المقياس هو فهم النص المترجم بشكل جيد وواضح و بتوقع نصك ممكن يحقق هل الشي اذا تلافيتي الاخطاء اللي ذكرتا. حاولي قدر الامكان تقري كتير نصوص بالانكليزي و تحللي الجمل قواعديا لتعرفي كيف ممكن نتجنب الاسلوب العربي بالترجمة لانو حتى لو كان مافي اخطاء قواعد و كان الاسلوب عربي تعتبر الترجمة سيئة. المهم انو تتذكري انو هل الشي بده تمرين ما اكتر و مع الوقت رح يصير عندك طلاقة بالترجمة و بدورا بتنعكس على كتابتك بشكل عام.

الكاتب:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ الاثنين أيلول 19, 2011 3:46 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

من كتاب أليس في بلاد العجائب:
كانت أجمل الأزهار في الحديقة الورود. و كان هناك بعض منها على شجرة صغيرة. توقفت أليس لتنظر إليها. كانت ورودا بيضا", غير أنّ ثلاثة من البستانيين كانوا يعملون بصعوبة محاولين أن يجعلوا منها ورودا حمرا". و تساءلت أليس قائلة: "لماذا يفعلون ذلك؟" و ذهبت قريبا منهم و قالت: هل تستطيعون أن تقولوا لي, من فضلكم, لماذا تجعلون من هذه الورود ورودا" حمرا"؟
سمعت أليس عندها ضجّة عظيمة و انتظرت قرب البستانيين و ظهرت الملكة من وراء موكب مؤلف من عشرة جنود و عندما وصلت قالت لأليس: "ما اسمك يا بنية؟" قالت أليس: " اسمي أليس إذا كان هذا يسرّك." و هنا تساءلت أليس فيما اذا كان ردّها مناسبا خاصة عندما رأت وجه الملكة و قد أحمرّ و انتفخت خدودها.

الكاتب:  Mahmoud [ الاثنين أيلول 19, 2011 8:11 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

From Alice in Wonderland:
 The most beautiful flowers were in the garden. There stood Alice to look at some flowers that grew on a tiny tree. Though those flowers were white, three gardeners were hardly trying to make it red. "Why are they doing this?" wondered Alice. She came near to them and asked, "Would you please tell me why you are making these flowers red."
 At that time, she heard loud noise and stood by beside the gardeners when the queen appeared preceded by a procession of ten soldiers. "What is your name girl?" asked the queen. Alice replied, "Alice if you like it". Upon that, the queen's face became red and her cheeks got swollen. Hence Alice wondered whether she replied properly or not.

please have a look sir
thank u

الكاتب:  bayan mando [ الثلاثاء أيلول 20, 2011 11:18 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

شكرا دكتور على الملاحظات وانشالله رح حاول ترجم بقية النصوص بس انا حبيت كفي هذا النص لانو هي اول مرة بترجم فيها نص علمي . انا كفيت الترجمة حسب فهمي للنص

In 1985, one of the scientists at Berkeley Univ proved that the number of cells around the cortical cells was more than usual in Einstein`s brain. Moreover, these cortical cells could be found in the frontal region of the cerebral cortex.In 1999, another scientist proved that there was an unusual misshapenness in the anatomical structure of Einstein`s brain and that was forty years after his death. This misshapenness was very big because there was no frontal counterpart in the cerebral cortex. Inspite of the importance of these researches, they did not give any clear idea about the brain abilities. In another side, scientists have put a programme for studying math scientists` brain. However, math tools are conformed with physiological situations in our brain. At the end, these situations can be watched in an experimental ways by improving the brain imaging technology. The use of imaging resonance imaging technology gives an experimental study that explains the manner in which the brain of all human beings uses integers.

الكاتب:  منارة [ الثلاثاء أيلول 20, 2011 4:39 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

From Alice in Wonder Land
The prettiest flowers in the garden were the roses ,and there were some
of them on a tiny tree.Alice stopped to look at them .They were white
.However,three gardeners were workimg hard trying to make them red.Alice
wondered why they would do that.She drew near  them and said:"Can you
please tell me why are you making these roses red.
At this moment,Alice heard a loud noise and waited near the gardeners
.The queen appeared behind a parade of ten soldiers .When she got to
Alice she asked her;"What is your name child?"
"My name is Alice if that pleases you."
She wondered whether her answer was appropriate especially when she saw
the queens's red face and swollen cheeks.
               Thank you sir for your effort.... how much I get out of

الكاتب:  زوراء33 [ الثلاثاء أيلول 20, 2011 11:04 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

شكرا الك دكتور لانك منحتنا هالفرصة الكبيرة ومنحتنا من وقتك كمان ما بعرف كيف بدي عبرلك بكلماتي عن شكري وامتناني الك وانشالله انجح بالطرائق ورح حاول اتمرن معك مشان اتقوى اكتر بالترجمة *ورود

الكاتب:  محمد حيدر [ الخميس أيلول 22, 2011 4:44 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

نص الرياضيين كاملاً
ترجمت الجزئين و كتبتن بنص واحد


Mathematicians' brain motivated scientists for a long time. In general, they tried to understand the brain and the mechanics with which nerve cells and synapses can convert a set of information to theories, and what are the mental representations and the nervous structures that give the human brain, alone, the ability to explore the mathematical facts. A great potentiality opens clearly to science and especially, information sciences if possible to make an advance in this domain. We do not forget that the brain of the scientist Albert Einstein has been a subject of many researches that have been applied on it through his life and after his death in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of his scientific creativity. In the year 1985, one of the scientists in the University of Berckley managed to prove the existence of a high density of cells, more than usual, which forms the surrounding of the cortical cells in the frontal region of the cortex of Einstein's brain. In the year 1999, that is after forty years of Einstein's death, one of the scientists proved the existence of an unfamiliar malformation in the anatomical structure of this scientist's brain, and this malformation was big to a degree that an entire region of the cortex, which is the frontal counterpoint, was absent from the cortex. Though the importance of these researches, but they do not indicate anything clear for the cortex. On the other hand, scientists put a program for studying Mathematicians' brains comparatively. One of the scientists says that the mathematical tools certainly are identical with physical conditions in our brains, where in the end, they must be observed by an experimental way by means of developing brain imaging technics. Magnetic resonance imaging technics really allows reaching an experimental study to how the brain submits to the simplest mathematical tools that all human beings share, which is integers.


الكاتب:  samsoma [ الخميس أيلول 22, 2011 11:46 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

يعطيك العافية دكتور وشكرا كتير الك ع الجهد اللي عم تبذله مشانا وبتمنى أنك تاخد نظرة ع هذه الترجمة وبالاخص لانها اول مشاركة الي وهي:
From Alice Adventures in Wonderland
Roses were the most beautiful flowers in the garden; some of them were in a shrub. They were white roses when Alice stopped and looked at them. However, there were three gardeners who were working hard in order to make them red ones. Why are they doing that? Alice wondered. Then she went and asked them: why do you want to make these roses red, please?
After that, Alice heard a noise; she waited next to the gardeners. Then, the queen appeared in a ten soldiers' procession. When she arrived, she asked: oh girl, what is your name? If this pleases you, my name is Alice. she answered. Then, the queen's face became red and her cheeks swelled. At that time, Alice wondered whether her answer was appropriate or not

الكاتب:  SNOWDROP [ السبت أيلول 24, 2011 5:29 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  تدرّب على الترجمة ... مع الدكتور محمد سمهر الأبيض ( نصوص للترجمة )

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
شكرا كتير دكتور على جهودك وبتمنى تشفلي ترجمتي اذا جيدة أنا بعرف راح يكون في أخطاء كتير بس بتمنى تساعدني لتحسين ترجمتي وشكرا
from A lice in wonder land
the most beautiful flowers in garden were roses.there were some of these roses on tiny tree.alice had  stopped to look at it. there were white roses ,however three gardeners were working hardly trying to made from these roses red ones.Alice said wondered"why they are doing that.? After that she had close look and said"please can you tell me , why you making from these roses red ones.?At that time Alice heard big noise ,while she waited near gardeners the queen appeared behind procession consists of ten soldiers .when queen arrived asked Alice :"what's your name girl.?"Alice said :"my name is Alice is that like you"Alice wonderd if her answer is suitable especially when Alice saw queen's face become red and her cheeks ballooned.

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