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تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)
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Author:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

Third Lecture
Chapter SIX: DEVELOPING IDEAS (page 75)
Process of Writing:
- First you have to find a topic, normally something that you are interested in.
- If you have a topic provided for you:
- First step is to read the topic very carefully, and think about every detail or word that is mentioned.
- You have to think about verbs like: discuss (where you have to present your opinion about something), argue (you give an opinion with or against), describe (you describe something from your point of view)
- If you have a general topic like the following:
Bad eating habits
You have to try and make it  more specific: bad eating habits and their effects on children
The topic is more specific now, notice how you have in the topic clear division:                        bad eating habits,   their effects,  children
Basically, whenever you get a topic, you have to find two or three things to discuss (you can write an essay with four paragraphs). You can do that by yourself on the draft.
so now we know the topic, we know the ideas we have to talk about, we know the shape, we need to develop then organize the ideas.
There are many good techniques:
1-        Ask questions:
Remember the 5 Ws and H? who?what?when?where?why?how?
e.g. something that made you angry
who was involved?
When and where did it happen?
Why did it make you angry?
What was the issue or the problem?
How did you deal with your anger?
Use the answers as details to support your ideas.
2-        Read and take notes:
This will work more on homework essay. When you get a topic do not just sit there and keep squeezing your brain to get ideas that you are not sure about.
e.g if you have a topic like: subliminal advertising in movies
Try to read. Find the meaning of the words, read about the topic in magazines, journals, the internet, or any other source you like. When you read, take notes, and use them in your essay.

3-        Brainstorm:
The object is to come up with as many thoughts as possible on a topic (like free association).
a-        With others: if you need to write about something and you do not have ideas, ask other people, and discuss the topic with them. They could have more interesting ideas than yours, and things you overlooked could be taken from their own ideas. Do not judge or evaluate the ideas. (e.g. page 77-78)
b-        By yourself: on a piece of paper, write whatever ides come to your mind about your topic, even if they seem not so great at the beginning. What you have to do first, is write, then you can select and evaluate. (e.g. page 78)
4- Try focused free-writing:
Focused free writing, is the same thing as free writing essentially, but the difference is that you are writing about a specific topic, that means you are keeping your ideas focused on one thing. It is a great way to find ideas when you feel you are stuck.
Example page 81: read that at home, and see how this strategy works, and try practicing it on the topics I have given you in the previous homework.

5- Idea Cluster or Word Web:
It helps generate ideas by showing how one idea leads to another. Write your topic in the center, and draw a circle around it. Write related words or phrases, circle them, and use lines to connect to the general topic, keep doing that till you think you have everything to say.
e.g. Pollution: types, effect, cause, treatment
Types: visual, sonic, environmental, medical
Effect: on humans, animals, trees, water, air, life forms
Cause: human, non-human
Treatment: lectures, posters, voluntary work, etc.
After you do that, you can choose which part you want to talk about, group your ideas, eliminate things that are not necessary etc. this could help you find more ideas and details for your essay. Some details can remind you of others.

This is very important, because sometimes you get asked to write an essay of about 25 lines, or 250 words (about one page), and you feel that you have many things to say, but not enough space, so what you should do here, is follow some strategies to narrow your topic to more manageable pieces (or specific topic).
And there is always the dangerous mistake that many people commit which is that they face a very general topic, and they try to insert as many ideas as possible without developing any of them. Keep in mind when you have a general topic you have the freedom to divide it, make is narrower, and then develop a specific idea.
1-        Being Brief: two essay patterns:
Let us take one topic like:
A memory that pops into your head
Pattern one:
First paragraph: what is the memory (describe it briefly)
Two or three paragraphs about how the memory affected you: feelings, images, sounds, etc.
Last paragraph: state what exactly you felt about the memory and whether it was something important to you or not

Pattern two:
First paragraph: what made this memory come to your head
One paragraph to describe the environment in the memory: dates, times, etc
Two or three paragraphs: describe how this memory made you change, inspired you to do something for instance. If you are talking about a person, you can say what he was doing, how they affected your way of thinking about stuff
Last paragraphs: how you changed after that happened to you, and what would you feel about yourself having been in that situation, etc
e.g. page83

Subdivide your topic:
If you have a very broad topic, divide it into smaller pieces:
Globalization: effect on individuals, effects on nations, effects on media, effects on education
Start narrowing your topic: the best way is to ask a series of questions. Start by the general, go to the more specific.
Each question will narrow the idea before it. Keep doing that till you think that your topic is narrow enough to fill the space you have.
Examine topic from different perspectives:
Try finding different angles to look at your topic, each will be narrower than the general, and you can use it as a sub-topic.
e.g. Japan : history, art, culture, war, etc.

Author:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

Answers to homework 6:
II- 1 a
2  c
3   d
4  b
5 a
6   d

Homework 6 is the last homework for this term. For the rest of the chapters, the exercises in the book should suffice.

Lecture 4:
Chapter Nine: Organizing Your Ideas
This chapter is about techniques you can use to organize ideas you learned how to develop for your thesis/ essay.
The focus is on supporting ideas in this part and the next.
When you are writing, you should know that every supporting idea should support the thesis statement (like the topic sentence, what you want to say or write about). You developed your ideas, time to organize them.
There are many graphic organizers that could help you to organize your ideas:
1-        Analysis Frame
Used for:   a- response to a work of literature
                    b- Review of a book, play, or movie
                    c- Comparative analysis (two works of literature)
how to do it: identify the elements you need to prove your thesis statement: characters, plot, rhythm, images, events, symbolism, etc
Draw a table for each category, and under it, put the different elements that are related to the general category, then you can identify the important items you need.
Headings for the analysis frame differ according to the topic.

2-        Pro-Con Chart:
Use it for: problem and solution essay
                  Persuasive essay
                  Business letter
This kind of chart will help you explore the positive and negative aspects of a certain idea.  Make a con list and a pro list, under each put different related elements, and if you like you can add notes on that.
e.g. travelling
pros : meet new people, see places, good break
cons: could be costly, jet lag

3-        Comparison and contrast chart:
This is useful to show similarities and differences between one thing and another. Useful for:
Comparing products

e.g. PAGE  98

this is related to the technique after called :
4-        Venn Diagram:
It is another way to compare and contrast two things, part where the circles overlap show similarities.
Page 99

5-        Flow Chart  :  to show steps in a certain process, it helps you in the following types of writing:
Process analysis
Cause and effect essay
How to essay
Research report
Technical description

PAGE 100

6-        Problem and solution chart:
Useful in: problem and solution essay
Persuasive essay
Business letter
Memo                        example PAGE 101


After having your topic, your ideas developed and all that, it is time to put them in order
This chapter tells us the different types of order that are available to organize ideas, this is a very useful technique and you should always use it in your essay.
1-        Chronological Order:
If you are writing a story about your life for example, describe a historical event, or summarize the plot of a book, you will need this order.
Example: when I was a child….then when I was seven, when I was fourteen, etc
Example 2: the introduction of this book is, the first chapter, etc

2-        Order of Importance: it is useful to make an argument, writing a news story, or analysing a topic in literature.
You have two types: ascending or descending
Ascending: from the least important to the most important idea
Descending: from the most important to the least

The first type, ascending, is much better than the second one. Because when you start with the most important idea your reader’s attention will be grasped, and they will continue reading, otherwise, they might get bored and stop reading.
Example page 105

3-        Order of impression:
Useful if you are describing a person, experience or place.
You start with the first thing that grabbed your attention, then on the next and so on.
e.g. if you are describing a visit to somewhere, what is the first thing you notice, put it down first

4-        Spatial order:
If you are describing a building or room, or natural scene, you use this order. It is an alternative to impression order. You can start with the nearest item to you and go farther, or left to write etc.

NOTE: if you want to see the different types of visual organizers, just google them, and you will find many examples about each.

Author:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

Lecture 5 is attached
This week's lecture is going to be the last one, and it will be only about the exam.

Author:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

Required Chapters for Exam:
Power Up page 187
19- 24

Essay Types required:
descriptive, narrative (both personal), persuasive, argumentative, cause and effect, problem and solution, comparison and contrast and process analysis essays.
if you do not have the book, you will find a lot of information about each online

Author:  عصام [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

M. Samhar AlAbiad,  
زبطت الامور عالاخير هالمرة يعطيك العافية   *1

Author:  M. Samhar AlAbiad [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  تعبير و استيعاب 3 (سنة 2 انكليزي)

Lecture 6 added

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