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A story
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الكاتب:  Saturnine [ الجمعة شباط 29, 2008 4:14 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

Funerary Dirge

"Run." A mother shouted in fear to let her son named Omar to run away from death. Omar the 7 years old child, runs away to the jungle. From there, he heard, machine gun, canons and jets' ear-splitting sounds. After less than 22 hours. He came back, trying to find his mother, his family, and his home. He was surprised by murderers dressed uniform, and before he realized what was the matter, a machine gun's bullets exploded his head into pieces, less than a moment later, he saw his mother smiling from the other side, calling, "Omar come here my sweet child."


الكاتب:  Raghad [ الجمعة شباط 29, 2008 5:14 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Oh my God  :(  :(  What a sad story !!  :(
May Allah bless them all and protect our nation from such evils

الكاتب:  Lina [ الجمعة شباط 29, 2008 5:27 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

it's a real story unfortunately
  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
may Allah protect all our brothers and sisters in the Arab countries
*1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1

الكاتب:  Raghad [ الجمعة شباط 29, 2008 5:28 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

A mother shouted in fear to let her son named Omar to run away from death

A mother shouthed in fearto let her son ,named Omar, run away
After"let" put the infinitive without 'to'
From there, he heard,

There is no need to this comma after 'heard'
After less than 22 hours. He came back,

After less than 22 hours , he came back  *1
*ورود  *ورود

الكاتب:  Obada Arwany [ الجمعة شباط 29, 2008 6:34 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

What a sad story!!
Thank you lord for the boon of security.
Thank u Saturnine,

الكاتب:  رغدة [ السبت آذار 01, 2008 3:18 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

it is a sad and painful story
thanks alot

الكاتب:  سنا [ السبت آذار 01, 2008 3:21 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

What a sad story!!
thanks daer. *1

الكاتب:  Saturnine [ الخميس تموز 24, 2008 9:43 ص ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

read this story, I wrote it, if it touches you, so I'm a good beginner :wink:

الكاتب:  Nawal8q [ الخميس تموز 24, 2008 7:17 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

Nice language and story...but toooooooooooo short!

الكاتب:  Nawal8q [ الجمعة تموز 25, 2008 9:16 م ]
عنوان المشاركة:  A story

Funerary Dirge

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