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عذراً أخوتي .. تم إيقاف تسجيل الأعضاء الجدد في آرتين حتى إشعار آخر

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  ... آرتين ...   » لابدّ أن أستأذن الوطن .... نزار قباني *  .:. آخر رد: محمدابو حمود  .:.  الردود: 4   ... آرتين ...   » لا يصلح العطار ما افسدة الدهر  .:. آخر رد: محمد الربيعي  .:.  الردود: 2   ... آرتين ...   » مناقشة كتاب"Translation with Reference to English & Arabic"  .:. آخر رد: Jordan  .:.  الردود: 124   ... آرتين ...   » المعرب و الدخيل و المولد ... تتمة  .:. آخر رد: aaahhhmad  .:.  الردود: 6   ... آرتين ...   » تحميل ملف  .:. آخر رد: مصطفى العلي  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » The Best Short Stories of J.G. bialard The Terminal Beach  .:. آخر رد: المرعاش  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » هام للطلاب الي بيواجهوا صعوبه بمادة الصوتيا  .:. آخر رد: bassam93  .:.  الردود: 16   ... آرتين ...   » مساعدة مشروع تخرج عن تراجيديات شكسبير  .:. آخر رد: ahmadaway  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0   ... آرتين ...   » نتائج سنوات 2009 2010 2011  .:. آخر رد: أبو عمر  .:.  الردود: 0

جميع الأوقات تستخدم GMT + ساعتين [ DST ]

منتدى مغلق هذا الموضوع مغلق ، لا تستطيع تعديله أو إضافة الردود عليه  [ 7 مشاركة ] 
الكاتب رسالة
  • عنوان المشاركة: قصة حقيقية حصلت في دمشق
مرسل: السبت تموز 21, 2007 4:08 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
اشترك في: 03 آذار 2007
المواضيع: 94
المشاركات: 965
المكان: حمص
القسم: اللغة الانكليزية
السنة: السادسة
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غير متصل
[englishtext][align=center]Nightmare after the Awakening[/align]

[align=center]Prologue [/align]

''Do you think we are going to get something valuable tonight?'' Asked the driver's partner. The driver nodded, on the back passenger seat sat the third person who added, ''I will not put my life on the stake for 500 S.P.'' The trio laughed vilely and looked out for their an unfortunate prey.

[align=center]The story [/align]

   It was night when both of them got out from home, exactly it was 3:30 a.m., and anyway the destination was Lattakia city, wherein Daniel wanted to move his papers from Tishreen University to the city of Damascus. Najem was with Daniel, both of them were students at that college, studying economic. It was one of summer's nightmares for these two colleagues. They went out early in the morning to arrive to Lattakia at 8 o'clock, so that they finish the work earlier, plus they booked for two seats in the Bus which was heading to the aforesaid city. The streets were totally empty; Daniel and Najem wondered how they could take a taxi to the bus station which takes thirty minutes to get it if there was no traffic jam. Unfortunately a taxi passed the street, occupied by three persons within the driver, at first Najem thought the driver would ignore them like any taxi driver in this capital, to wonder that the driver brought the car to a halt. ''Your destination?'' The drive inquired after he had wounded the side window down. It seems that AC was on. ''To the Pullman station.'' replied Daniel. The driver told them two persons inside the taxi were heading to the next block, and asked if they don't mind to get on. (It's common to do this in Syria, especially in the capital). Anyway, Najem slid in the back seat and his friend took place beside him, next to Najem sat a sizable man, dressed marines uniform. Najem squint at him then forget the idea of fear.

    The road which led to the bus station wasn't the same road the driver took, at this moment Daniel who was one of Damascus' outskirts asked the driver where he was going. This question had a surprising reaction which stunned the two friends, the two men who wore uniform blurted, and after them the driver shouted, ''You are suspected of the robberies that happened in this area, we are taking you to the police department.'' Daniel and Najem started to plead that they were mistaken, but the trio ignored their pleading. ''Is there a police station in this region?'' Asked Najem. ''Yeah, there is.'' Replied Daniel fearfully. This answer relieved Najem somehow but he was still skeptical, his skepticism was off when the taxi passed quickly by the police station. Oh who the hell are they? Najem thought. When the two friends realized that they were snared they started to scream terrifically. ''Your heads down.'' Had shouted the uniformed men after they drew their knifes up threatening the innocent companions, without hesitation they obeyed. Daniel from his place could sense the fear his friend had, and Najem felt his friend's frighten too, it was a mutual discovery, yeah who wouldn't fear in such situations. The driver drove speedily, ten minutes later darkness overwhelmed the area, where no street's lights at all, Najem knew that they were taken away from the occupied areas, his expectation was proved when the car stopped and the trio vile got off the car forcing him and his friend to slide out.

    There was nothing but darkness. Oh they are going to kill us, goodbye life. Whispered Daniel. Najem stood beside him speechless and startled, he also felt deathly, only death and despair wander in the dampened air they inhaled. ''Your sacs, your mobile phones, everything, put them down on the ground.'' Ordered the wholly-face-covered driver who stood before them, on Daniel's right side stood a very big-built uniform man with silver knife in his hand, on Najem's left side stood likely one but somehow he was shorter, but his face was more wicker than the first one. Anyhow, under the threatening of white weapons the two companions put everything they had on the ground, Daniel felt he put his dignity on the ground too.

    50 USD, and 1500 S.P., plus his ten thousand-cost mobile phone, and his ID Najem laid on the dark ground. Daniel put 2000 S.P. and his cheap cellular too, besides all his papers on which his register of the university based. This operation took less than five minutes. ''Your clothes,'' the driver ordered, ''put them off.'' Najem's eyes became wild-opened, and then he said forgetting the fear he had for the thirty minutes before. ''I give you everything, and now you are asking for our own garments that we wear!'' Suddenly with the pace of horsepower the driver took off his knife and quickly he battled the air to frighten his dare victim. ''Put them off or within a minute you will be out.'' Then he swiftly blew a hand on Daniel's glassed-face, resulting a glasses on the ground and a semi-blind man (Daniel had weakness in his eyes, so he lost the sight when the glasses were thrown away from his surface) When Najem saw the situation of his friend he felt guilty. He is waving his hands foreword in the air, does he lose his sight, oh what can I do? God please help your sons. ''Killer or killed, I am willing  to be, I will not put my clothes off, try to attack me, as I said either killer or dead I am.'' Najem said loudly with no voice of fear or hesitation.

    What followed was a result to what Najem said. Najem got a blow from the driver's boot unto his stomach that what made him spited blood, and then they were driven to a far edge above a stream of water with high that Daniel guessed about twenty feet. ''Turn your back to me and face the stream.'' Angrily and seriously ordered the driver. The companions did without hesitation. They knew zero hour came, a minute and they will pass out _ die _ be counted dead. Najem prayed and then recounted (Al shahada) ''I witness that there is no God but he and Mohammed is his prophet.'' He said it, it was audible but not so loud, Daniel could hear it while he was crossing his body asking the Christ Jesus to save him. Every one of them was with God and the driver was with the other two uniformed men who were convincing him not to murder the young men. Najem was praying that the stab of the dagger hitting undeadly area so that he fought back and strike the driver and threw him away then ran out.

    No murder has occurred, instead, the two friends were forced to climb the taxi before that Najem got a blow on his shoulder by the back of driver's knife (the wooden handle of the knife) due to the spite that the driver felt toward Najem, in that action the cover dropped down revealing a face to whom Najem's eyes beheld, it was the driver's face wherein Najem kept it in his memory. They covered their eyes and a uniform man sat between them with two knifes directed to their necks for preventing any kind of run away or unexpected reaction, like throwing themselves out from the car. Najem wanted to keep the number plate up in his mind after the release if ever was. After thirty minutes or so, the driver stopped the taxi. The sunlight was sensible even with covered eyes, the two men got off, Daniel guessed maybe they were discussing the exact time of freeing the victims. The taxi door on Daniel's side opened, ''Release them.'' Said the driver. They were pushed out savagely, and were told that their papers are laid on the ground two or three yards away from the car. Still eyes covered, when Najem uncovered his face to catch the car identification numbers, he got gleaming light from the sun directly on his eyes plus no car was to keep its numbers up. They found themselves under a bridge which was still under construction, mountains of sand and cement sacs around them, finally they got into their papers; the summer's breeze freshened their white faces, white due to fear. They sat on the ground hugged each other with tears streaming down their faces, everyone of them thought how death was so close, and how their life was cheaper than a mobile phone price. '''Are you O.K. Najem?'' Daniel assured, his voice was frequent because he did not believe what he witnessed that bloody night, Najem was okay but sentimentally hurt. They walk on feet for twenty minutes until they found a house. ''Who is it?'' Kamal questioned behind the door which the two victims tapped gently. When the door gave open, Kamal saw two destroyed young men in their twenties, he offered water and helped them to make a phone call. ''Hello,'' Daniel father's voice came metallic through the receiver, ''hello who is with me?'' Daniel's father heard tears-effect-voice at the other end of the line, he recognized it, his son's tone but now with tears. Daniel told his father in brief what has happened, then Kamal picked the phone to tell Daniel's father where he could find his son. Line disconnected.

[align=center]Epilogue [/align]

    At the police station Najem wanted  to give a statement about their case. The sergeant advised him not to bother himself because there was no benefit of this doing. Najem said he wanted to have his rights, anyway after filling the statement, a policeman show him a photographic list of suspected persons and criminals of the state. The driver's image stored purely in Najem memory, one page passed, another page and Najem's eyes were wild, he screamed, ''Stop!'' and then signalled ''this one.'' He could recognize him. The policeman smirked then asked Najem to read the note under the portrait of this suspect man. [Wanted since a year.] Najem shook his head questionly, ''What that does mean?'' in less than a tick he got the answer. Everything was lost! God was the first and last thing Najem and Daniel thought about at the zero hour, what about you? Will you think of God the creator? For me if I can give a say, I would think of the only one who is loving me. Who? My mama. I wouldn't think of the one I loved, because she is dead by now and I would be going to meet her in the other world, she committed suicide, (it was a bloody shower!). If I died I would miss my mother.

[align=center]The End[/align][/englishtext]

Confusion Will Be My Epitaph

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 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: السبت تموز 21, 2007 4:38 م 
مشرف قسم الترجمة في الانجليزية
مشرف قسم الترجمة في الانجليزية
اشترك في: 15 آذار 2007
المواضيع: 226
المشاركات: 4712
المكان: حماة
القسم: English
السنة: Graduated
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غير متصل
ولي هي قصة و لا رواية
منظرها بيفزع رح اخذها على البيت و اقارها

يقول ابن القيم رحمه الله: لو أن رجلا وقف أمام جبل و عزم أن يزيله لأزاله

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 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: السبت تموز 21, 2007 7:06 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 11 نيسان 2007
المواضيع: 43
المشاركات: 960
المكان: سوريا
القسم: English
السنة: MA
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:: أنثى ::

غير متصل

رح اقراها وعد  :wink:  :wink: وبعدين بقلك رأيي *1

التوقيع صورة

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 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: السبت تموز 21, 2007 7:16 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 10 آذار 2007
المواضيع: 34
المشاركات: 1188
المكان: دمشق
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غير متصل
بس لأرجع من المعسكر بقرأها .. !!

التوقيع صورة

أنا أكن احتراماً كبيراً لآدم , لأنه يوم قرر أن يذوق التفاحة لم يكتفِ بقضمها , و إنما أكلها كلها . ربما لا يوجد مكان ثالث بين الجنة و النار . و علينا - تفادياً للحسابات الخاطئة - أن ندخل احداهما بجدارة ....
▲▼ الأرض المحروقة ▲▼ ....  

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 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: الأحد تموز 22, 2007 12:38 م 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
اشترك في: 15 نيسان 2007
المواضيع: 68
المشاركات: 4580
المكان: حماه
القسم: E
السنة: ماستر/ELT...
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غير متصل
قريتها... والله فيها عبرة .. وكمان منها منعرف ليه هيك صار مع هالشبين .. يعني مطلوب المجرم من سنة ولهلأ ما انكمش.. :?:  :?: والله ____ ؟؟؟ فهمتوا العبرة العبرة؟؟
يعني مارح يكون دانييل ونجم آخر ضحايا نفس المرم... رح يكون في بعدون أكتر من شخص...

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.
Nelson Mandela

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: الأحد تموز 22, 2007 2:18 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
صورة العضو الشخصية
اشترك في: 11 نيسان 2007
المواضيع: 43
المشاركات: 960
المكان: سوريا
القسم: English
السنة: MA
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:: أنثى ::

غير متصل

شكرا كتير فعلا قصة مؤثرة..وأكتر شي مؤثر هوي لحظة الموت يعني لما بيتوقع انو رح يموت..هي لحظة صعبة كتير .. :(  :(

شكرا عالقصة *1

التوقيع صورة

أعلى .:. أسفل
 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
  • عنوان المشاركة:
مرسل: الأحد تموز 22, 2007 11:55 م 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
اشترك في: 03 آذار 2007
المواضيع: 94
المشاركات: 965
المكان: حمص
القسم: اللغة الانكليزية
السنة: السادسة
لا يوجد لدي مواضيع بعد

غير متصل
ازا حبيتوا تراسلو الاخ نجم عل ايميل و تستفسرو اكتر عن الحادثة
انا ممكن ساعدكن او اعطيكون ايميلو
هو بصراحة صديقي
يدرس في جامعة تشرين

Confusion Will Be My Epitaph

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 يشاهد الملف الشخصي  
منتدى مغلق هذا الموضوع مغلق ، لا تستطيع تعديله أو إضافة الردود عليه  [ 7 مشاركة ] 

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