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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Ven Jan 11, 2008 10:43 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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Année: Fourth Year
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هلا بسلمى و الله...
اذا نجحت بالمادة بتكوني انتي السبب

إن شاء الله يا رب تنجحي فيها بمعدل عالي.... *ورود

***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Lun Mars 03, 2008 9:31 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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Inscrit le: 04 Avril 2007
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Chapter fifteen:

What is intonation?
There is no exact definition, but we have to know that the pitch of the voice plays the most important part.
Only in very unusual situations do we speak with fixed, unvarying pitch, and when we speak normally the pitch of our voice is constantly changing.

What do we mean by the pitch?
We describe it in terms of high and low, and some people find it difficult to relate what they hear in someone's voice to a scale ranging from low to high.
We should remember that "high" and "low" are arbitrary choices for end-points of the pitch scale.
It is very important to make the point that we are not interested in all aspects of a speaker's pitch; the only things that should interest us are those which carry some linguistic information.
If a speaker tries to talk while riding fast on a horse, his or her pitch will make a lot of sudden rises and falls as a result of the irregular movement; this is something which is outside the speaker's control and therefore cannot be linguistically significant.

1- Form and function in intonation:
Utterance: it is a continuous piece of speech beginning and ending with a clear pause.
Tone: it is the overall behavior of the pitch, and a one-syllable word can be said with either a level tone or a moving tone.
If the English speaker wants to say yes or no in a definite, final manner he will use falling tone, a movement from a higher to a lower pitch.
If he wants to say yes or no in a questioning manner, he may say it with a rising tone, a movement from a lower to a higher pitch.
2- Tone and tone languages:
  * The three possibilities for the intonation used in pronouncing the one-word utterance 'yes' and 'no' are:
  1- Level.
  2- Falling.
  3- Rising.
3- Complex tones and pitch height:
   1- Fall-rise tone: where the pitch descends and then rises again.
  2- Rise-fall tone: in which the pitch descends and then fall again.
4- some functions of English tones:
    1- Fall  yes , no:
This is the tone about which least needs to be said, and which is usually regarded as more or less "neutral".
     For example:
   If someone asks a question, and the answer is "yes or no";
   that means there is nothing more to be said.
    The fall gives the impression of "falling".
   2- Rise yes , no:
This tone conveys an impression that something more is to follow.
    For example:
   A: Excuse me.
   B: yes. (with the mark which indicates
the rise tone "/").
B's reply is perhaps equivalent to "what do you want?".
A: Do  you know John Smith?
-Now if B replies : yes (with rise tone), that means he inviting A to continue.
-If B replies : yes ( with fall tone), that means this response makes saying something difficult for A to continue, if A have something to continue.

* There is invitations to continue in someone's response to a series of instructions or direction.

* A similar function can be seen with no.
3- Fall-rise yes , no:
It is when there is "limited agreement" or "response with reservations".
 For example:
A: I have heard that it's a good school.
B: yes. (with the mark which indicates fall-rise tone[/color]).
[color=#bf0000]* Fall-rise indicates something:

"given" , or "conceded" and something "reservation" or "hesitation".
4- Rise-fall yes, no:
It conveys strong feelings of approval, disapproval or surprise.
  For example:
A: You would not do an awful thing like that, would you?
B: no. (with the mark which indicates the
rise-fall yes or no."
5- Level yes , no:
It conveys a feeling of saying something routine, uninteresting, or boring.
Similarly, if one is being asked a series of routine questions  for some purpose:
A: Have you ever been in prison?
B: no. (with the mark which indicates the level tone "_").

This is chapter fifteen… :)
I advise you to check the marks which indicate every kind of tone in the book... :wink:
If there is any question , just ask me… :wink:

Tami…  *ورود     

***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Lun Mars 03, 2008 11:04 pm 
آرتيني نشيط
آرتيني نشيط
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شكرا كثير إلك tami على هالموضوع الرائع إي والله أنا ما بعرف طيخة من البطيخة بالصوتيات بس القواعد كثير بحبها
وأنا نزلت هلق موضوع عن بداية الصوتيات


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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Mar Mars 04, 2008 12:33 am 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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العفو ..أهلا و سهلا... *ورود
اذا بدك بداية الصوتيات بتلاقيا في الصفحة الأولى من الموضوع كشرح...لأنو انا منزلة كل دروس الصوتيات في الكتاب يلي عطانا اياهن الدكتور طلال بطريقتي و يلي هيي طريقة هينة...من الدرس الثاني إلى ما شاء الله... :wink:

انتي منزلة بداية الصوتيات كصور ... :)
الله يسلم ايدكي يا رب... *ورود

***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Lun Avr 14, 2008 11:29 pm 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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يسلمو ايديك و الله يعطيك ألف عافية

ولو انو ردي كتير متأخر بس بالصدفة شفت الموضوع و صرت اقرا منو بجد كتير استفدت منو لأني الي زمااااااان ما قريت شي عن الصوتيات الا شغلات بسيطة

الله يسلم ايديك و يجزيك كل خير يا رب  *1

Signature إغضب ... فأنت رائعٌ حقاً متى تثـــــــور

إغضب ... فلولا الموج ما تكوّنت بحـــور

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Ven Avr 25, 2008 1:31 am 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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Inscrit le: 04 Avril 2007
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Année: Fourth Year
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هلا بثينة... *ورود
الله يسلمك و يعافيكي يا رب... *ورود

***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Ven Mai 16, 2008 12:53 am 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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Inscrit le: 04 Avril 2007
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Année: Fourth Year
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Chapter eighteenth:

Functions of intonation

There are four functions of intonation:
1- Attitude function.
2- Accentual function.
3- Grammatical function.
4- Discourse function.

I will talk about the first one only because we did not take the rest.

*The attitudinal function of intonation:

•It conveys our feelings and attitudes.
For example:
The same sentence can be said in different ways to express different meanings:
"angry", "happy", "grateful"," bored", and so on.

•An emotion may be expressed involuntarily or voluntarily.
For example:
If I say something in a happy way this may be because I feel happy (involuntarily)
or because I want to convey to you the impression that I am happy (voluntarily).

•An attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener.
For example:
If I say something in a friendly way (towards what is said).
If I say something in a skeptical or dubious way (towards some external event or situation).
If I say something in a regretful way or disapproving (towards anything happened or I did).

•We say the same sentence different ways in order to express different meanings, so our performances will be different from some to others, and the meanings may be like these:
"pleading", "angry", "sad", "happy", "proud"…etc.

•Most books agree on some basic meanings:
to express finality and definiteness:
Eg: I'm absolutely certain. (with this mark "\" under the 'c').
to express:
-General questions:
Eg: Can you help me (with this mark"/" under the 'h').
Eg: Red, brown, yellow, or blue. (with this mark under 'r' in red, 'b' in brown, 'y' in yellow, and 'b' in blue).
-More to follow:
Eg: I phoned them right away. "and they agree to come" (with this mark "/" under 'way').
Eg: It wont hurt. (with this mark "/" under 'h').
to eapress:
-Uncertainty, doubt:
Eg: You may be right. ( with the mark which we use for the right things under 'm').
Eg: Can I buy it. ( with the mark which we use for the right things under 'm').
to express:
Surprise and being impressed:
Eg: You were first. (with the mark which is like number eight in Arabic under 'f').

Finally, that is the end of the English phonetics and phonology which we took and I can explain.

The following information is put by my own way in order to be easier:
1- Falling tone:
2- Rising tone:  
3- Fall-rise tone:
-(Limited agreement).
-(Response with reservation).
-(Something given or conceded).
4- Rise-fall tone:
Strong feeling of approval, disapproval, or surprise.
5- Level tone:
Something routine, uninteresting, or boring.

Other cases:
(they are similar to the previous ones somehow):
1- Fall:
-(Stating the obvious).
2- Rise:-(General question).
-(More to follow).
3- Fall-rise:-(Uncertainty, doubt).
4- Rise-fall:
(Surprise, being impressed).

*Hi   *ورود

If there is any question about any lesson, you have just to ask me, and I will answer you when I read it.
With my pleasure and wishes to succeed and get benefit for all…  *ورود


***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Ven Mai 23, 2008 1:16 am 
آرتيني مؤسس
آرتيني مؤسس
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:shock:  :shock: Waaaaaaaaaaaaw
Do you know ?  *ممم Your topic is the most useful one in this forum  :wink:
God bless your efforts my lovely Mimi  *ورود

*ورود  *ورود  *ورود


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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Sam Mai 24, 2008 12:43 am 
آرتيني فعّال
آرتيني فعّال
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Your topic is the most useful one in this forum

Thanks a lot... *ورود
You are the most welcome my honey Raghoooooooda  *ورود

***Keep your aim always in sight***

ربّنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا
ربّنا و لا تحمِّلنا ما لا طاقة لنا به و اعفُ عنّا و اغفر لنا و ارحمنا
فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين
ربّي اغفر لي و لوالديّ و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات أجمعين

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  • Sujet du message: The explanation of the phonetic lessons "renewable"
Publié: Jeu Juin 12, 2008 3:02 pm 
آرتيني مشارك
آرتيني مشارك
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Inscrit le: 09 Juin 2008
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really i was write in this topic ,but u present agood topic
i want to completet in the next time about this topic if u want
thaaaaaaaaaanx alooooooot

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