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  • Post subject: The importance of money in your life/ أهمية المال في حياتك /Writing Topics
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:38 pm 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Department: ترجمة/لغـة إنكليـزية
Grade: Graduated
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Read one Essay Every Week.

Pease Be Upon You  :wink:

As we know  8) , most students face the problem of " Writing Topics". So, this needs to practise, and this needs to be professional in  :arrow: :

• Reading.
• Writing.

So, this topic is designed to practice on Reading, Writing.


I have many topics about Self-Improvement, those topics are distinguished by their simple manner in expression  :idea: , simple grammar  :idea: , new vocabularies  :idea: , and interesting content  :idea: .

So you can read them in order to:

1- Get benefit from English structure.
2- Learn new vocabularies, and expression that are used in Everyday English.
3- Get benefit from ideas, those ideas will motivate your own ideas and thoughts, this will encourage you to write.
4- Get interesting and awareness.

Now you may ask yourself  *ممم : what can I do with these topics?  :?:

Excuse me, I will answer  :wink: :

• You can share us your own ideas via commenting or writing your point of view.
• You can point to a specific idea in the topic. This will attract others to read the idea which you have pointed to.
• You can quote an idea to write your complete topic, and we will read yours to comment on.

Now! I will post the first one here then we will see your interactions which will value this topic. ^^

My best regards for all

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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  • Post subject: Only ONE! Every week!! ^^
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:14 pm 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Department: ترجمة/لغـة إنكليـزية
Grade: Graduated
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Make Your Life as you want!

There is an old adage, "Life is what you make it," and I couldn't agree more. Life doesn't need to be so complex; in fact, it can be easy and stress free! Sounds, too good to be true, right?

Do you know why that is? It's because we come from a society where we have been taught the harder we work the more we get and the more we acquire the more successful we will be. This age old mentality is WRONG!

Life is a vibrational river of universal consciousness and just like any river it has a course to the stream. Now, you are represented as a swimmer, and you jump into this beautifully flowing stream of consciousness -- the bloodforce of Source -- and start swimming upstream against the current. What is going to happen?

It will become increasingly difficult because you are fighting the current. You'll get knocked around, banged up, bruised, and beaten -- yet, this is the exact same thing as working harder to get where we want to be. The issue is you want to be downstream, where the river dumps into a pool of your abundance and awaits you. Yet, you are struggling against the current trying to find it upstream.

Does this honestly make any sense?

For example, weight loss is a huge topic in today's world. Yet, a person desiring to drop the pounds tries a variety of options -- fad diets, exercise, diet pills, diet shakes, etc. These options are all fighting against the current if the person doing them isn't enjoying them or feels like they are forcing themselves.

Let's say this person is allowing the current of life bring them to their desired result. Again, using the example of weight loss the person wishing to lose weight is AWARE that they DESIRE to experience the loss of a few pounds. So, this person starts eating consciously the foods they enjoy, but in a healthy way. This all makes YOU feel GOOD about YOU and the MEAL. So, you then begin seeing "healthy" recipes and then friends start giving you some to try. With this conscious way of living you now have a surge of energy and decide to incorporate a nightly walk (exercise). And the flow will continue just like that and when you hop on that once dreaded scale -- you'll find you have a new friend.

So, what then can we do to reach our abundance and true potential?
Go with the flow! That's it!

Wake up every single morning and look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I am a Divine Being filled with the love and light of source and fully equipped to handle every situation. Each experience is not a challenge but rather a blessing."

Inside of every seemingly negative experience is a nugget of gold and it's your choice to focus on this treasure or the dirt and rubble you dug through to get it. Odds are your responses to your experiences thus far have been to focus on the dirt and rubble. This has probably left you feeling negative, hopeless, and encompassed by a fear based reality: a false reality that we have been both taught and chosen to live in. It is one where the Ego -- the false self -- resides and is accompanied by; self defeating thoughts, misconceptions, excuses, walls, and barriers, and much more.
Sound familiar?

It's because it is your existence that you most likely live right now. This fear based reality inhibits you from experiencing all of life's abundance and glory because you are coming from fear. A fear that says;

"I lack that..."
"I cannot afford that..."
"I don't deserve that..."
"I could never be..."
"I'm a realist..."

We have all said those thoughts probably on numerous occasions and several times a day. They are all examples of fighting the current of life, by not surrendering to the awesome power that is effortlessly flowing to your abundance.

Grab a sheet of paper and write down all the seemingly negative experiences you have had. Then write the positive or nugget of gold that came from that experience -- it may not be easy but there is something positive there! After that, we turn that nugget of gold into the new focus of that experience! Doing that will allow you to feel better about your experience and you will see the abundance it has brought into your life.
Once you have your list go to the store and buy a poster board, markers, magazines, newspapers, tape, glue, etc. Bring that all home and construct your vision board -- typically it is a board that reflects what it is you desire to manifest for yourself (a nice house, a spouse, kids, a car, a garden, money, a career, optimum health, etc).

This vision board is unique because you are manifesting a new way to perceive your life experiences thus far, in a positive light. Now, begin cutting and pasting the reflection of your past in a new light on this board -- detailing what the experience was and what good came of it. It is very possible that more than one good thing came of it so show the rippling effect.

Once you have the board completed you need to place it in a place where you will see it every day.
Okay, so now we have handled the shadows of the past and brought them into the light. How do you handle new experiences that have that negative feel?

Rise up to the occasion, get excited about it, and turn toward this experience with enthusiasm knowing that there is a treasure within. On a deeper, more spiritual level, there is a reason you called this particular experience forth so let's find out why!

Responding the new experience with a positive outlook will help you enjoy that experience. You will also find that something magnificent and wonderful came from that new way of approaching what you once deemed a "curve ball" -- now becomes a bend in the river.

When we respond from a place of love, happiness, excitement, and enthusiasm we are in alignment with our source. If something that we are doing does not make us happy or feel good then we are in misalignment and need to reroute our course by turning it around and making it positive.

When you find yourself in a position of opposition or adversity find another way to see it. Ask yourself, "Am I flowing?"
Remember the statements of fear mentioned earlier? Let's see how they have changed given your new outlook:

"I lack that..." BECOMES "I have ..."
"I cannot afford that..." BECOMES "I can afford..."
"I don't deserve that..." BECOMES "I am going to experience that..."
"I could never be..." BECOMES "I can be..."

Now go out and start enjoying life all the way to your place of abundance! And when you find yourself feeling like your struggling remember: struggle indicates fighting the current. So, find your way back to the flow, by perceiving the very thing you are struggling with in a positive loving light

*1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1  *1

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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  • Post subject: Only ONE! Every week!! ^^
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:16 pm 
آرتيني مؤسس
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Name: أبو آدم
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This is a smart choice from you . I remember that In 2008 in Say it in English section we were correcting the essays and the paragraphs for each other . If you have spare time let the members try to write to you and correct their mistakes . I will give any body a hand if he will send to me hi try to write . Let us concentrate on Grammar and style .
This an NLP essay  which is full of good ideas to encourage any one to be positive in his life and to make his/her life a target to what s/he wants . I entertained myself because it made me remember my NLP diploma in 2006 . five years passed and I still like this kind of essays that deal with the psyche and how to control it with what is good for it .

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  • Post subject: Only ONE! Every week!! ^^
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:14 pm 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Department: ترجمة/لغـة إنكليـزية
Grade: Graduated
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I am so pleasured to read your useful comment…as usual  :wink: .

You have said that this topic is full of entertaining and good ideas, this is the "Motivation".  :)

Yes, I will explain my point of view. Writing topic is the main goal, so this has pushed me to take the step in order to motivate other members to write.  :arrow:

Some students lack for the will to write. So, the main idea is to motivate them to write.  :idea:

So, they can depend on some "reading" in order to be good in "writing".
If you have spare time let the members try to write to you and correct their mistakes

Now, I have some free time, and I will be so happy to discus, correct, and read others' topics.  *ورود

my NLP diploma in 2006

it seems interesting  *sla  

You are welcome! So happy to see  your valuable  participation. ^^

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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  • Post subject: Only ONE! Every week!! ^^
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:24 pm 
آرتيني مؤسس
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Name: أبو آدم
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Gender: Male ::

I am so pleasure

Iam so pleasured
You are welcome! So happy to see  your valuable  participation

That is kind of you ....thank u
let us go on in this nice topic

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  • Post subject: Only ONE! Every week!! ^^
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:32 pm 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Department: ترجمة/لغـة إنكليـزية
Grade: Graduated
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sorry  :mrgreen:

so let us go  :wink:

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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  • Post subject: How to deal with angry people?/كيف تتعامل مع الأشخاص الغاضبين
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:46 am 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Department: ترجمة/لغـة إنكليـزية
Grade: Graduated
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Hello Art-Enians  *sla

I've decided -after receiving a proposal from Safwat- to change the plan of this topic, I will let you write about " particular  idea"  :idea: , after that I will post my own. :wink:

Our topic today is so interesting, it is about:

How to deal with angry people?

You can depend on these questions as helping points:
• Can you describe the angry people? Can you classify them into groups?
• which might make people angry?
• What could you do with those people? Are you afraid of dealing with them?
• What are the "main things" which may anger people?

You can add, delete, and modify ideas as you like… 8)

Now show us your topics, or your ideas.
Best regards for all.

*ورود  *ورود  *ورود

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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  • Post subject: How to deal with angry people?/كيف تتعامل مع الأشخاص الغاضبين
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:38 pm 
آرتيني مؤسس
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Name: أبو آدم
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Gender: Male ::


I encourage every one to try to get benefit from this useful topic ,and to know his test .

بتمنى تتابعوا صفحتي عالفيس بوك
عنوانها :
( صفوة لتعليم اللغة الإنكليزية و الترجمة )

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  • Post subject: How to deal with angry people?/كيف تتعامل مع الأشخاص الغاضبين
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:55 pm 
آرتيني نشيط
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Peace be upon you
Perhaps it is off the topic's purpose, but I want to share with you a very interesting text titled ALL KIND OF RAGE which is extracted from 'READ AND UNDERSTAND2' ,but unfortunately it is not the full text


[english]It seems that a great many of us are getting angrier or at least, we are expressing our anger more. We seem to be flying into a rage all over the place and rage is so popular that the English language has acquired several expressions to describe particular forms of it!
The first of these rages to be named was road rage. This is used for drivers who are so enraged by other drivers or pedestrians that they let their anger get completely out of control. Often, they get out of their cars and shout and make threatening gestures at the people who have annoyed them. Sometimes, they are so beside themselves that they attack the people physically and there have been cases where drivers have gone berserk and killed people. It frequently does not take much to provoke drivers who are easily angered. Even overtaking them quite legally can enrage them.
Police are sometimes called to people’s homes when rage gets out of control. In the worst scenario, people who cannot control their tempers become guilty of domestic abuse and beat up their partners. This often leads to the break-up of the family and sometimes to the imprisonment of the violent partner.
Try that this does not to happen to you. Take a deep breath and keep your temper low
Enjoy it,it is full of vocabularies which are associated with rage

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  • Post subject: How to deal with angry people?/كيف تتعامل مع الأشخاص الغاضبين
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:30 pm 
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
مشرفة قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
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Dear, you are welcome!  :wink:

Thanks  for providing us with this passage!

And I will comment.

You've given an example about those people who cannot control their anger, and we can consider this as a "type" of angry people!

I feel that most drivers are really so nervous...Especially in Ramadan, they do many negative things such as: Saying bad words and hitting some men, their angry behavior causes many problems with many people. :evil:

However I wouldn't accept, you've violated the law here… :mrgreen: .
I am kidding of course  :P

I wish to write your own ideas dear, in order to discuss and exchange our ideas.  *ورود

Best Regards ^^

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When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere

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