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لوحة الإعلانات الإدارية

عذراً أخوتي .. تم إيقاف تسجيل الأعضاء الجدد في آرتين حتى إشعار آخر

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  • Post subject: المحاضرة الثانية - قراءة
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:54 pm 
محاضر في جامعة حلب
محاضر في جامعة حلب
Joined: 03 July 2008
Topics: 69
Posts: 487
Location: حماة
Department: اللغة الانكليزية
Grade: دبلوم ترجمة
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Gender: Male ::

Last time, I talked about the importance of reading as one of the basic skills for learning a foreign language. I also discussed the techniques of reading which are:( skimming, scanning, reading for thorough comprehension, critical reading).  I also mentioned some strategies related to the process of reading.
   Your efficiency in reading depends on your proficiency in language.  Exercises which treat specific language problems are, therefore, necessary. That is why, you should pay special attention to vocabulary items and syntactic structures. I advise all my students to do all the exercises below each passage you study with the demonstrator.
   You are to realize that there are two types of vocabulary. The first type is called active vocabulary and the second type receptive vocabulary. we mean by active vocabulary items all the words which you can use yourselves. Receptive vocabulary items, on the other hand, are words which you can understand, but you cannot use.
  In today's lecture, I am going to talk about the role of students in oral work. You are expected to take part in all the discussions which will be held during my lectures. The more you participate, the less you feel shy and awkward.  
  You must pay close attention to form and content; you must try your best to express difficult ideas and know how to handle facts and opinions.  Sometimes you are to work under pressure, particularly if you are preparing for an examination.  Since you are second year students in the department of English, most of your doctors and lecturers are obliged to assume that you have, by now, grasped the fundamentals of grammar.
   The passages that you are going to study this year are carefully selected ones. They can be used as multi-purpose texts to continue your training in the four skills, understanding, speaking, reading and writing.  The texts are selected from the work of a wide variety of authors so that you can become familiar with different styles of writing.  They are graded in terms of length, complexity and intellectual content to introduce you to the world of ideas.
  You have to be able to read a passage of English aloud.  You should have a fair grasp of the rhythm of the language ( stress and intonation) even you are unable to pronounce unfamiliar words correctly.
  You have to try your best to able to read silently and understand what you have just read. You should be familiar with a wide variety of English sentence patterns so that you can get the gist of what you are reading even though you may not know the meaning of a number of individual words.  
   I am going to invite a few students to participate when the text raises a certain subject for general discussion.  For instance, the first passage raises the point of the migration of peoples in ancient and modern times.  Now, let's talk about the migrations that occurred in the 17th C. in Europe. In fact, The early settlers in the land known now as the United States of America were a motley group of varied backgrounds, languages, visions and aspirations. There were Frenchmen, Spaniards, Swedes, Dutch, Germans and most importantly, men and women from the British Isles , whose language was destined to become soon the dominant language of the land. The settlers left Europe for various reasons: some were seeking religious freedom , others were attracted by dazzling accounts of fabulous riches and inexhaustible treasures of gold and silver; still others were fleeing a Europe plagued by constant warfare and religious intolerance.
  All in all the New World seemed to offer the promise of freedom , security, rich and plentiful land. The multi-national early settlers and the heterogeneous races that flocked to America during the subsequent centuries made of America what is generally called a "melting pot". All those races, including the Negroes and the native American Indians, contributed to the forging of the American Identity and the forming of the American civilization.  However, the thirteen colonies which formed the nucleus of an independent United States, were, for the most part, ruled by English laws, heavily influenced by English social and literary traditions, and sustained by English commerce. The inhabitants of these colonies used mainly the English language as a medium of communication and literary expression. "Who knows the name of the first American poet?"
  The first American poet was a woman, Anne Bradstreet. She was an authentic puritan voice, fully devoted to her religious beliefs and her family. She was born  in England just a few years before Shakespeare died.  Two years after her marriage to Simon Bradstreet, she arrived in Massachusetts and settled with her husband on a farm near the frontier village of Andover.  Here she experienced the hardships of a primitive life, but managed to raise eight children. In the midst of  her daily routine in her remote village, she found time to compose poetry. Her poems were written with no thought of publication, just to express her feelings toward her family and events around her. In 1647, her brother-in-law, John Woodbridge, sailed to England taking along copies of her poems.  Three years later and without her permission, the poems were published under the title: The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America.
   When you are asked to give another word or phrase to replace some other words as they are used in the passage, try your best to use your own words as far as possible. You can check your English-English dictionary.
  Before I end this lecture, I would like to draw your  attention to the fact that there is no pure synonymy in nearly all the languages of the world. In other words, no two words can have the same exact meaning.  It has been said that there are no perfect synonyms– that is, no two words ever have exactly the same meaning. Deep and profound mean the same when applied to thought, but only deep can pre-modify water. Happen and take place seem to be, on the surface, exactly alike, but events happen (usually by accident) or take place (usually by arrangement): "When did the explosion happen?" " When will the wedding take place?"
  By this we come to the end of our lecture for today. Thank you very much for listening.

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشـــــاء***** وطب نفساً إذا حل القضاء

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